Urban freight: Optimising loading/unloading bays
Development of simulation/optimisation framework to generate the trade-offs derived from the interaction of the optimal number and location of loading bays.
Development of simulation/optimisation framework to generate the trade-offs derived from the interaction of the optimal number and location of loading bays.
A study in the introduction of a new pickup and delivery technology, Autonomous Mobile Lockers, into an existing city logistics network.
This PhD research concentrates on the development of an ad hoc vehicular network architecture using the PC5 interface of the LTE standard.
This research aims to identify and evaluate new solutions for commercial urban deliveries to meet the demand of last-mile and surging e-commerce markets.
This project’s aim is to improve the households & business land use activity inputs to transport modelling provided by a spatial econometric land use model.
The aim of the project is to investigate the situation of Container Shipping Operational Risk upon the application of blockchain technology in the industry.
Research into a network-wide approach to identify critical links and estimate the Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram using flow and density measurements.
Development of demand management & estimation tools for large-scale traffic networks, incorporating macroscopic fundamental diagram-based traffic dynamics.
A PhD research project aiming to build a model/platform using real-time feeds of all mode movements from smart intersections to optimise signal control.
Traffic data helps us know exactly what the pandemic is doing to our transport networks, and how we can learn to make them stronger in disruptions.
A research project exploring how traffic controls can be optimised to accommodate both legacy and autonomous vehicles, plus vulnerable road users.
Safety and congestion are two of the key challenges on our networks and there is strong potential for connectivity and C-ITS to help.
iMOVE is inviting university partners to share details of PhD students currently already working in the transport area to apply for a top-up scholarships.
This proof-of-concept project aims to develop a Vehicle to Bicycle (V2B) communication system to reduce collisions and enhance driver awareness of cyclists.
iMOVE’s interview with Sam Lorimer, Disruptive Technologist at IAG, and the point man on our MaaS trial in Sydney project.
A PhD research program investigating physical interactions between Connected and Automated Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users in order to assess safety.