Can immersive reality improve traffic incident management?
A critical review & evaluation of immersive reality using in training & capability development for first responders & multi-agencies in traffic incident management.
A critical review & evaluation of immersive reality using in training & capability development for first responders & multi-agencies in traffic incident management.
Development of a proof-of-concept tool for the prediction of replacement bus needs during unexpected network disruptions.
This will coordinate/assess transport challenges of multi-centre regions via an integrated hybrid Regional Macro-Mesoscopic transport modelling ecosystem.
Register for our 11 May 2023 webinar, presenting the outcomes of our ‘The future of drones in Australia’ project.
Book your free ticket for the ‘Aligning the transport and energy sectors as we electrify transport’ event in Melbourne on 9 May 2023.
This research will provide insights to ensure the road freight transport network can continue to support the substantial freight task in North-West WA.
Download ‘Creating our future transport and mobility workforce: Understanding the workforce implications of transport digitalisation and automation in Australia’.
This project will develop accessibility guidelines for Low and Zero Emission Vehicle charging infrastructure, collaborating with industry and people with disability.
This research will model the impact of various policy levers on carbon emissions from road and rail freight, and to identify the economic benefits.
This study of advanced technologies for road user detection, sensing, and perception has the aim of enhancing traffic operations at signalised intersections.
This study will develop a robust, efficient and cost-effective methodology for the calibration of the Strategic Adelaide Model using new data collection methods.
This project will investigate the use of Co-operative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) technologies to improve safety for motorcycle riders.
A comparative evaluation of the energy and environmental performance of the electric battery and hydrogen fuel cell for freight vehicles in Australia.
An investigation of technologies that help communities, stakeholder groups and decision makers to understand road safety.
A case study of our work with the Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland) and The University of Queensland on the ODIN PASS.
The Federal Government has opened applications for a $4.6 million of grants pertaining to its Regional Australia Level Crossing Safety Program.