What is ITS Monday?

*ITS Monday is a small collection of curated content, published on Mondays, from the worlds of intelligent transport systems, smart mobility, and associated areas.

The idea behind ITS Monday was in part driven by our former ITS Weekly Roundup, an email newsletter we used to send each Friday in our start-up phase that collected interesting stories happening all around the ITS world.

We see quite a lot of interesting content on social media (you can follow us on Linkedin and Twitter), so every (or most!) week we’ll collect a few things, and include them in ITS Monday.

For a closer look at iMOVE projects, activities, and articles, we also recommend subscribing to our monthly iMOVE newsletter!).

*Inclusion in ITS Monday does not equal iMOVE endorsement. It’s more aimed at discovery, thought, or discussion … or all of those and more! And while for the most part the content will be current, a little age doesn’t necessarily mean diminished interest.

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