ITS Monday: Edition 23, 2022
A small collection of curated content from the worlds of intelligent transport systems, smart mobility, and associated areas.
Included this week, Wagga Wagga transport plan, the case for e-bikes, EVs in Aus, e-scooter complexity, fixing Sydney’s transport, and more.
And just in case you hadn’t caught it yet, we have a new series of interviews with transport professionals – Effects of COVID on the transport sector – what they see now, what they would like to happen post-pandemic, and what they think will happen. If you’d like to be join this conversation, drop us a line!
This week’s articles
Now, scroll down, and see what’s in this week’s edition. Oh, and before you do, be sure check out the quickest way to receive our new content via the subscription box just below …
The NSW Government’s official page, a “blueprint for transforming the way people and goods will travel within, to and through Wagga Wagga over the next 20 years.” Read the background, download the plan itself, and the Consultation Summary Report.
A somewhat connected iMOVE project is the Evaluation of the Wagga Wagga Active Travel Plan.
READ THE ARTICLEAdvocates say two-wheeled EVs a cheaper, greener option to de-carbonise transport
“While you will likely have to go on a 12-month waiting list and come up with at least $40,000 to buy a new electric car in Australia at the moment, you could get a two-wheeled vehicle with a battery that costs less than 10 cents to charge, quite easily.”
READ THE ARTICLENRMA says Australia must embrace EV transition, or become dumping ground
Speaking of Australia and electric vehicles … I’ve read a very similar story quite some time ago but it bears reading about still as the situation hasn’t really changed.
Related iMOVE project: Electric vehicles: Supporting uptake, investigating smart charging
READ THE ARTICLESolution or hazard? Australia’s e-scooter debate gains speed, but the rules are a mess
As with most angles on the topic of the rollout / use / implementation of e-scooters in Australia, this is sure to spark opinion and debate. E-scooters “… remain subject to messy regulatory frameworks across states and territories, as well as opposition from groups representing pedestrians and people with disabilities.”
READ THE ARTICLEWhy smart roads make smart sense
This from a speech Howard Collins, Chief Operations Officer for Transport for NSW gave at the recent Roads and Traffic Expo.
Sydney FAST 2030: A Proposal for Faster Accessible Surface Transport
A blog post from the University of Sydney’s Professor David Levinson. “I have been thinking about a “blank slate” redo of Sydney surface public transport (buses and trams). This is something the Government could do in a decade if they applied themselves.”
READ THE ARTICLEDiscover more from iMOVE Australia Cooperative Research Centre | Transport R&D
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