Planning for the electrification of the Victorian bus fleet
The final report for the “Charging requirements for Melbourne’s electric bus fleet” project. Includes findings, methodology, and recommendations.
Overviews, progress reports, and general info for research and development projects carried out by iMOVE and its partners, in the areas of: Intelligent Transport Systems, Freight and Logistics, and Personal and Public Mobility.
The final report for the “Charging requirements for Melbourne’s electric bus fleet” project. Includes findings, methodology, and recommendations.
This project will look to replace subjective assessments of ADAS (Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keep Assist) with empirical metrics.
An innovative low-cost Internet of Things (IoT)-based solution providing real-time insights into freight location and condition, including maintaining cold chains.
This project aims to address security and privacy concerns with operating an Intelligent Transport System (ITS).
Project outcomes and downloadable final report for the “Evaluation of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor” project.
This research project leverages cutting-edge video analytics technology as a means of monitoring use of Perth’s active transport network.
This project will develop an innovative traceability system for the Australian Southern Rock Lobster industry, leveraging computer vision and machine learning.
This project will develop a data fusion framework to infer road freight origin-destination flows using information from multiple sources.
A report on the progress of the “Leading the charge in bi-directional charging” project, including details and experiences of V2G trailblazers.
Project outcomes and downloadable final report for the “Evaluation of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor” project.
A project with Transport for NSW and NTRO, looking at policy settings to increase the use of rail for the Port Botany IMEX freight task.
Transport for NSW is exploring possible improvements to the current policy settings to increase rail mode share for the Port Botany IMEX freight task.
A flight test program to prove that a cargo drone with a payload capacity of 50kg has the capacity to deliver packages over large distances (>1,000 km).
Project outcomes and final report from the first application of Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (drones) for healthcare delivery in Australia.
This collaboration will pioneer a new framework for evaluating outcomes in precincts, with clear metrics and benchmarks for evaluating goals and objectives.
Project outcomes of TMR’s desire to develop the capability to influence land use planning to better use/account for changes in future transport network capacity.