How soon is now? The convincing case for connected vehicles
The results of an eight-month study of the benefits of moving to more connected vehicle technology on Australian roads have been released.
Overviews, progress reports, and general info for research and development projects carried out by iMOVE and its partners, in the areas of: Intelligent Transport Systems, Freight and Logistics, and Personal and Public Mobility.
The results of an eight-month study of the benefits of moving to more connected vehicle technology on Australian roads have been released.
This project will use the Chatswood CBD as a living laboratory using data to improve visitor experience, with an initial focus on parking.
Research project to develop empirical understanding of the skills gaps, shortages, and the necessary training needs in transport/mobility to inform policy.
Research project to develop empirical understanding of the skills gaps, shortages, and the necessary training needs in transport/mobility to inform policy.
From lessons learnt in the FLEX autonomous shuttle trial at the Tonsley Innovation District, this project will deliver new, innovative use cases for FLEX.
The build of standardised analysis methodology to evaluate the safety benefits of C-ITS, guiding transport agencies in regard to supporting its development.
Does the formation of traffic congestion resemble the spread of a virus? This PhD project with the University of NSW is investigating.
R&D of new algorithms to process raw data generated by the current RT4 radar, assigning an Austroads classification to all detected vehicles.
PhD research, developing a new algorithm for integrated traffic network control, with ramp metering, variable speed limit and arterial intersection control.
R&D of new algorithms to process raw data generated by the current RT4 radar, assigning an Austroads classification to all detected vehicles.
This PhD looks at prediction of traffic disruptions in cities using AI and synergising traffic simulation modelling to help traffic authorities respond.
This project investigates a novel method of using a long tether and a medium fixed-wing drone to deliver multiple packages at various weights.
This project will carry out a literature review on high definition map creation, ahead of further work in this area to facilitate automated driving.
This PhD project aims to explore how berry supply chain decision-makers may use real-time data and make in-transit interventions to preserve quality.
What will be required for strategic transport system models used by State governments under various Working from Home futures?
Development of simulation/optimisation framework to generate the trade-offs derived from the interaction of the optimal number and location of loading bays.