Public transport graffiti: Understanding and prevention
This project will explore the current state of graffiti and graffiti prevention in Australia and overseas, with a particular focus on public transport.
Overviews, progress reports, and general info for research and development projects carried out by iMOVE and its partners, in the areas of: Intelligent Transport Systems, Freight and Logistics, and Personal and Public Mobility.
This project will explore the current state of graffiti and graffiti prevention in Australia and overseas, with a particular focus on public transport.
An overview of our completed project “Evaluation of the Wagga Wagga Active Travel Plan”, along with downloadable copies of the final reports.
A feasibility study, examining the use of real-time train info to inform pedestrians/road users when a train will be passing, and how long the gate will be closed.
Findings, outcomes, and impacts of our’ Train horns: Broader social effects and pedestrian simulations’ project, and includes the final report as a download.
iMOVE’s ‘Investigating the viability of hydrogen fuel for heavy vehicle use’ has been completed, and the final report is available for download.
The final report on the ‘Safer cycling and street design: A guide for policymakers’, outlining the objectives, methodology, finding and expected impacts.
This project aims to address congestion and greenhouse gas emissions issues by delivering a real-world MaaS product selected sites on the Gold Coast.
Macroscopic speed and safety analysis of the road network in the context of the location of shared spaces, guiding future planning of shared road infrastructure.
An overview of Xiaojie Lin’s completed PhD project, “Strengthening cybersecurity in vehicular networks”, plus expected outcomes and future work.
This project designs, tests, and validates a pilot methodology for harvesting activity data of active road users – pedestrians and personal mobility devices.
This project will research production of a standard, sector-specific Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System sound for Transport for NSW’s Zero Emission Buses.
A comparative evaluation of the energy and environmental performance of the electric battery and hydrogen fuel cell for freight vehicles in Australia.
This project will investigate/develop a data-driven assessment tool for arterial networks, using established/emerging technologies and advanced data analytics.
The Mobility as a Service: Research summary, conclusions and action recommendations report takes an overview of all MaaS work by iMOVE and its partners.
This project will contribute to improving road safety in WA, and state and national goals of reducing road trauma and enhancing safe mobility for all road users.
This project will allow assessment of C-ITS benefits, deployment, & considerations & provide recommendations that could support adoption by Australian road authorities.