Creating our future transport and mobility workforce
Download ‘Creating our future transport and mobility workforce: Understanding the workforce implications of transport digitalisation and automation in Australia’.
Overviews, progress reports, and general info for research and development projects carried out by iMOVE and its partners, in the areas of: Intelligent Transport Systems, Freight and Logistics, and Personal and Public Mobility.
Download ‘Creating our future transport and mobility workforce: Understanding the workforce implications of transport digitalisation and automation in Australia’.
Download the final report, ‘Validating the benefits of increased drone uptake for Australia: Geographic, demographic and social insights’.
This project will develop accessibility guidelines for Low and Zero Emission Vehicle charging infrastructure, collaborating with industry and people with disability.
The main findings and policy implications to understand the impacts of COVID-19 and its impact on Working From Home in relation to the transport network.
Download ‘A Smart Transport Technology Roadmap for Perth’, a summary of key challenges in Perth’s transport network and the technologies to address them.
This research will model the impact of various policy levers on carbon emissions from road and rail freight, and to identify the economic benefits.
This study of advanced technologies for road user detection, sensing, and perception has the aim of enhancing traffic operations at signalised intersections.
This study will develop a robust, efficient and cost-effective methodology for the calibration of the Strategic Adelaide Model using new data collection methods.
This project will investigate the use of Co-operative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) technologies to improve safety for motorcycle riders.
A comparative evaluation of the energy and environmental performance of the electric battery and hydrogen fuel cell for freight vehicles in Australia.
Download ‘Key Freight Route Mapping’, the final report from our Mapping Australian freight: SWOT analysis project.
An investigation of technologies that help communities, stakeholder groups and decision makers to understand road safety.
This project will analyse the public transport bus network of metropolitan Melbourne, and build a spatio-temporal charging map for the use of electric buses.
Project aim is to identify/analyse specific aspects of existing & emergent connected & other vehicle & traffic data, to improve existing network management.
This project aims to perform a comprehensive diagnostic of TMR’s motorway control algorithms and opportunities for optimisation using emerging technologies.
This project will complete an investigation of train horn effectiveness, & inform transport industry orgs and policymakers of future procedures and applications.