ITS Monday: Edition 14, 2020
This week in ITS Monday (on a Tuesday): the removal of cars from streets, MaaS planning, New Zealand’s street innovation program, and more.
*ITS Monday is a small collection of curated content, published on Mondays, from the worlds of intelligent transport systems, smart mobility, and associated areas.
The idea behind ITS Monday was in part driven by our former ITS Weekly Roundup, an email newsletter we used to send each Friday in our start-up phase that collected interesting stories happening all around the ITS world.
We see quite a lot of interesting content on social media (you can follow us on Linkedin and Twitter), so every (or most!) week we’ll collect a few things, and include them in ITS Monday.
For a closer look at iMOVE projects, activities, and articles, we also recommend subscribing to our monthly iMOVE newsletter!).
*Inclusion in ITS Monday does not equal iMOVE endorsement. It’s more aimed at discovery, thought, or discussion … or all of those and more! And while for the most part the content will be current, a little age doesn’t necessarily mean diminished interest.
This week in ITS Monday (on a Tuesday): the removal of cars from streets, MaaS planning, New Zealand’s street innovation program, and more.
This week in ITS Monday: share car hoarding, Sydney’s congestion drop, the lost(?) promise of delivery drones, data and first/last mile freight, and more.
This week in ITS Monday: A new iMOVE Linkedin group, Starsky Robotics, new autonomous vehicle rules in the US, and two ITS-related articles from Europe.
This week in ITS Monday: COVID-19 and public transport, DiDi’s Sydney launch, autonomous e-scooters, and an electric car charging station.
This week in ITS Monday: Irrational robocar exuberance, HD maps, Uber back on the driverless road, Waymo’s enhanced sensors, autonomous Mercedes and more.
This week in ITS Monday: Share e-bikes, on-demand public transport, 20-minute city neighbourhoods, and a free e-book on transport planning/engineering.
This week in ITS Monday: Free public transport, closed street results in traffic improvement, new mobility hype, maps for delivery robots, and more.
This week in ITS Monday: Principles of modern urban design, the USA food supply chain, MaaS and managing multimodality, Melbourne bike use, and more.
This week in ITS Monday: cities versus cars, MaaS / the future of urban mobility, bicycle lane design, cities versus share bikes and scooters, and more.
This week in ITS Monday: e-bikes for Oz, smart city, incentivised public transport, Olympics transport, car-free streets, and more.
The 20 January 2020 edition of ITS Monday, a weekly curated list of interesting content from across the ITS /smart mobility worlds.
The first edition of ITS Monday, a weekly curated list of interesting content from across the intelligent transport systems / smart mobility worlds.