ITS Monday: Edition 38, 2020
Included this week: Public transport and the young, changing streetscapes, e-scooters, smart traffic systems and more.
*ITS Monday is a small collection of curated content, published on Mondays, from the worlds of intelligent transport systems, smart mobility, and associated areas.
The idea behind ITS Monday was in part driven by our former ITS Weekly Roundup, an email newsletter we used to send each Friday in our start-up phase that collected interesting stories happening all around the ITS world.
We see quite a lot of interesting content on social media (you can follow us on Linkedin and Twitter), so every (or most!) week we’ll collect a few things, and include them in ITS Monday.
For a closer look at iMOVE projects, activities, and articles, we also recommend subscribing to our monthly iMOVE newsletter!).
*Inclusion in ITS Monday does not equal iMOVE endorsement. It’s more aimed at discovery, thought, or discussion … or all of those and more! And while for the most part the content will be current, a little age doesn’t necessarily mean diminished interest.
Included this week: Public transport and the young, changing streetscapes, e-scooters, smart traffic systems and more.
Included this week: A new CAV paper, public transport use in AUS and NZ, e-bikes, a walking boost, and more.
Included this week: Congestion charging push, working from home, public transport, the Lidar biz, and more.
Included this week: Walkable streets, footpaths vs e-scooters, CBD downsizing, active schoolkids and more.
Included this week: Signs for automated driving, public transport and COVID, pedestrian-friendly streets, a new bike bridge and more.
Included this week: Sydney pop-ups, cycling fallacies bingo, a 40 km CAV corridor, a public space concept in Thailand, and more.
Included this week: Changing how we pay for transport, cycling infrastructure and benefits, walkability, MaaS and more.
Included this week: Cycling getting its (new) fair share, updated NZ urban development policy, VTOL at the Olympics, and more.
Included this week: Public transport social distancing, quite a few cycling-related stories, freight border confusion fix, and more.
Included this week: Cycleway conflict, sharebike schemes mapped, several stories on the challenges facing public transport, and more.
Included this week: Giving active transport a boost, road safety grants in Victoria, transport master plan progress in Vancouver, and more.
Included this week: Transport management data and dashboards, cycleways, active transport and livability, masks yes or no, vehicle partnerships, and more.
Included this week: Public transport avoidance, face masks, reduced pollution, people-friendly streets, legal scooters and more.
Included this week: Public transport in a pandemic, active transport dashboards, upright bikes, streets re-imagined, MaaS and more.
Included this week: Talking (still) about road user charging, fear of public transport, NSW public transport pricing, (re) building town centres, and more.
Included this week: Cycleways temporary or otherwise, scooter speed limits, the inside story of how supply chains were pandemic-hit, and more.
This week in ITS Monday (on Tuesday): Transport planning, cycling-friendly intersection, more pop-up bike lanes, reorganising footpaths, and more.
This week in ITS Monday: An active push on active transport, Brisbane doubles down on escooters, a 6-step plan for safe pedestrians, Melbourne data, & more.
This week in ITS Monday: More discussions of car-free areas in cities, more space for bikes, both more and less roadside parking, and more.
This week in ITS Monday: Worries of a boom in road congestion post-pandemic, bicycle success, Mobility as a Service, and more.
This week in ITS Monday: Stories on: a new book, recent supermarket shortages, COVID-19-based stories from Brisbane, Sydney, and Victoria, and more.
This week in ITS Monday: possible shifting of infrastructure $ in NSW, Melbourne’s and transport planning in the future, MaaS and the new normal, and more.
This week in ITS Monday: active transport, avoiding congestion post-pandemic, troubles with public transport, robot delivery vehicles, and the ROI of autonomous trucks.
This week in ITS Monday: freight congestion, trackless trams, the bike boom, Apple Maps data, travel demand, closed streets, and more.