ITS Monday: Edition 31, 2021

A small collection of curated content from the worlds of intelligent transport systems, smart mobility, and associated areas.
Included this week, some excellent data viz, zero emission bus strategy, trackless trams, climate tickets, hydrogen cars in Qld, and more.
And just in case you hadn’t caught it yet, we have a new series of interviews with transport professionals – Effects of COVID on the transport sector – what they see now, what they would like to happen post-pandemic, and what they think will happen. If you’d like to be join this conversation, drop us a line!
This week’s articles
Now, scroll down, and see what’s in this week’s edition. Oh, and before you do, be sure check out the quickest way to receive our new content via the subscription box just below …

To start this edition of ITS Monday, a nice little piece of data visualisation work, from Topi Tjukanov, a geographer from Helsinki, Finland. Each frame in the visualisation of travel time in Helsinki is one minute, with the pink dots representing movement by private car, yellow by public transport, and green by bicycle.
READ THE ARTICLENSW: Zero emission buses strategy
‘Technical planning is currently underway for the transition of the NSW bus fleet to zero emissions buses as part of our commitment to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.’ Click through to the Transition Strategy document on the Transport for NSW website.
READ THE ARTICLELooking past the hype about ‘trackless trams’
‘Recognition of the role of upgraded buses and bus rapid transit is welcome. However, a certain level of dogma, fuelled by inflated claims about the technology and its potential, has taken hold.’ This article, written by Yale Wong, was creating a bit of discussion where I picked it up from on Twitter. What are your thoughts? Also do we need a new name, other than trackless trams? How about tramlike buses? Or truses? But seriously, what should we really call these things?
READ THE ARTICLEKlimaTicket is a new ticket system that will be introduced in Austria from 26 October. It encourages use of public transport to help Austria reach its commitment to the Paris climate targets. It can be ‘… used on any scheduled services (public and private-sector rail services, urban passenger services and integrated public transport services.’
READ THE ARTICLEQueensland’s first hydrogen cars hit the road
We wrote earlier this year of the first hydrogen cars registered for road use in Australia in the ACT, now Queensland is set to trial them on that state’s roads. Again they are the Hyundai NEXO SUV vehicles, five of which Queensland is taking delivery of. This trial will run for three years.
READ THE ARTICLEFour councillors object to Let’s Get Wellington Moving plan for city streets
‘Four Wellington City councillors have called on Let’s Get Wellington Moving to delay its plans for walking, cycling, and bus improvements in the city, saying they had “fundamental concerns about the rationale for presenting the business case at this time”.’ What are their concerns? Click through to the article and find out.
READ THE ARTICLEDiscover more from iMOVE Australia Cooperative Research Centre | Transport R&D
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