Our top 10 articles for 2024
2023 was a record traffic year for the iMOVE website. Casting an eye back on 2024 I’m please to report that the website saw traffic reach a new record. Normally we just do the one Top 10 article, but such was the dominance of articles from our Transport Topics section that this year we’ve done this Top 10 for articles, and another Top 10 for project-related articles.
Now, to the top 10 most-read iMOVE articles for 2024, listed from #10 to #1.
10. Intelligent Transport Systems: Info, Projects & Resources
As with all of our Top 10 articles this year, this one on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) serves as both an explainer of the term, and a dive into iMOVE’s ITS-related project work. Headings on the page include:
- What are intelligent transport systems?
- ITS vs Cooperative intelligent transport systems (C-ITS)
- ITS and road safety
- Future of intelligent transport systems
- iMOVE intelligent transport systems projects
- iMOVE intelligent transport systems PhD projects
- iMOVE intelligent transport systems articles
9. What is Smart Mobility and why is it important?
As I’m sure you all know, smart mobility refers to rethinking transportation, to embrace modes of transport which are safe, efficient, flexible, integrated, and environmentally friendly. This includes reducing the transport sector’s reliance on private vehicles and fossil fuels. Smart mobility solutions make use of technology developments and innovations including new business models and agile policies.
Subheading on the page include:
- Why is smart mobility important?
- What are the elements of smart mobility?
- What is smart mobility in a smart city?
- What are the effects of smart mobility?
- What is the future of smart mobility?
- Smart mobility careers
- Smart mobility resources
- Smart mobility facts and figures
- What is iMOVE doing in the area of smart mobility?
- iMOVE’s works and impacts
- iMOVE smart mobility projects
- iMOVE smart mobility PhD projects
- iMOVE smart mobility articles
8. MaaS (Mobility as a Service) in Australia
Most of these Transport Topics pages are relatively new, but this one was first published in 2018. Sub-topics on the page include:
- The Sydney MaaS trial
- MaaS: What have we learned, and where to next?
- How will customers pay for MaaS?
- The benefits of MaaS
- MaaS facts and figures
- iMOVE MaaS projects
- iMOVE articles and news stories about MaaS
7. Micromobility: Info, Projects, & Resources
Micromobility has exploded on to Australian roads. And footpaths. It’s been both enthusiastically taken-up, and controversial.
This deep dive into micromobility includes:
- What are the benefits of micromobility?
- Impact of micromobility on infrastructure
- What are the challenges of micromobility?
- What is the future of micromobility?
- What is iMOVE doing in the area of micromobility?
- iMOVE’s micromobility works and impacts
- iMOVE micromobility projects
- iMOVE micromobility PhD projects
- iMOVE micromobility articles
6. Alternative Fuels: Info, Projects & Resources
Transport’s heavy reliance on fossil fuels has made it Australia’s third-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. Transport was responsible for 19% of Australia’s total emissions in 2020, according to the government’s Climate Change Authority, and this is predicted to rise to 25% by 2030. Light passenger and commercial vehicles made up 62% of Australia’s transport emissions in 2019, and 60% in 2022.
Efforts to decarbonise Australia’s transport sector must include breaking its dependence on fossil fuels. There are many viable alternatives, each with its benefits and challenges.
On-page highlights include:
- Biofuel
- Electricity
- Hydrogen
- Alternative fuels and freight
- Alternative fuels resources
- FACTS: A Framework for an Australian Clean Transport Strategy
- iMOVE alternative fuels activities and impacts
- iMOVE alternative fuels projects
5. Drone Transport: Info, Projects & Resources
The rise of drones for moving both people and parcels around the country allows Australia to look to the skies in an effort to tackle its transport challenges. There are many opportunities for drones to play a key role in alternative transport and smart mobility initiatives, moving both cargo and passengers from A to B.
Topics to hover over and dive into here include:
- What are drone transport technologies?
- What are the benefits of drone transport?
- What are the challenges of drone transport?
- What are the drone transport regulations?
- What are drone transport applications?
- What are the drone transport regulations?
- What is the future of drone transportation?
- Drone transport resources
- Drones: Facts and figures
- What is iMOVE doing in the area of drone transport?
- iMOVE’s drone transport works and impacts
- iMOVE drone projects
- iMOVE drone PhD projects
- iMOVE drone articles
4. Electric Vehicles: Info, Projects & Resources
Australia’s EV take-up currently lags behind many countries, but is beginning to accelerate as:
- government policies change;
- carmakers pay more attention to Australia;
- EVs become more affordable;
- more charging infrastructure rolls out across the country; and
- more people are looking seriously at making a switch to an EV
On the page we look into:
- How does Australia’s EV market compare to the rest of the world?
- What are the benefits of electric vehicles?
- What are the associated costs of electric vehicles?
- What are the challenges of electric vehicles?
- Electric vehicles resources
- Electric vehicles: 2023 sales statistics
- Electric vehicles: History, and facts and figures
- iMOVE and electric vehicles
- iMOVE electric vehicle projects
- iMOVE electric vehicle PhD projects
- iMOVE electric vehicle articles
3. Active Transport: Info, Projects & Resources
Walking or riding rather than driving offers the two-fold benefit of increasing mental and physical health while reducing motorised transport’s impact on the environment.
Increased levels of active travel can alleviate the social and economic costs of significant public health issues like physical inactivity and depression.
Physically active people are less likely to become overweight. They’re also less likely to develop cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, breast cancer, osteoporosis and depression. Physically active adults in the workforce have lower rates of absenteeism and increased job satisfaction.
Active transport can also build social capital, which is also associated with a wide range of positive health outcomes, by increasing social and community interaction.
Some of the aspects we look into in the area of active transport here include:
- What are the benefits of active transport?
- What are the challenges of active transport?
- What are active transport initiatives?
- Careers in active transport
- Active transport: Facts and figures
- What is iMOVE doing in active transport?
- iMOVE’s active transport works and impacts
- iMOVE active transport projects
- iMOVE active transport PhD projects
- iMOVE active transport articles
2. Sustainable Transportation: Info, Projects & Resources
Developing sustainable transport solutions, whether it is for public or private use, is an important part of ensuring countries meet environmental goals amid growing concerns about climate change. It is important to start the conversation by defining sustainable transport.
The path to more sustainable transport systems involves a variety of approaches, including the shift to low-, zero-emission and more energy efficient vehicles, development of alternative fuels and their associated fuelling infrastructure, and boosting transport mode shift to public transport, micromobility, and active transport options.
- What are the benefits of sustainable transport?
- Disadvantages of sustainable transport?
- Types of sustainable vehicles
- Sustainable fuel, batteries, and efficiency
- The future of sustainable transportation
- Sustainable transport resources
- Sustainable transport: Facts and figures
- iMOVE Sustainable transport projects
- iMOVE Sustainable transport PhD projects
- iMOVE Sustainable transport articles
1. Traffic Congestion: Info, Projects & Resources
And last but definitely not least, iMOVE’s most-visited article for 2024. Traffic to the article has been heavy, as has the issue of traffic congestion as one of Australia’s, and indeed the world’s, transport bugbears.
- What are the solutions to reducing traffic congestion?
- Looking at the big picture
- Traffic congestion resources
- Traffic congestion: Facts and figures
- Want to try your hand at traffic management and its repercussions?
- Traffic congestion resources
- iMOVE’s works and impacts
- iMOVE traffic congestion projects
- iMOVE traffic congestion PhD projects
- iMOVE traffic congestion articles
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