Safer cycling infrastructure: Design and policy
The final report on the ‘Safer cycling and street design: A guide for policymakers’, outlining the objectives, methodology, finding and expected impacts.
Final reports, progress reports, all generated from work on iMOVE’s own projects. On occasion we host webinars in which researchers and stakeholders present their findings. Find recordings of those events at our Project Outcome Webinars page.
For a list of all iMOVE projects visit the List of iMOVE projects page.
The final report on the ‘Safer cycling and street design: A guide for policymakers’, outlining the objectives, methodology, finding and expected impacts.
An overview of Xiaojie Lin’s completed PhD project, “Strengthening cybersecurity in vehicular networks”, plus expected outcomes and future work.
A comparative evaluation of the energy and environmental performance of the electric battery and hydrogen fuel cell for freight vehicles in Australia.
The Mobility as a Service: Research summary, conclusions and action recommendations report takes an overview of all MaaS work by iMOVE and its partners.
An overview of the completed project ‘Improving worker safety on the M1 Motorway’, including a copy of the project’s final report.
A wrap-up of the our completed project ‘MaaS blueprint design for regional towns and rural hinterlands’ along with all the final report documents.
A report on the gathering of up-to-date anthropometric data for applicability to design for the Australian transport industry.
How likely will the impacts of COVD-19 influence resulting spatial patterns of employment activity and residential settlement in Australian cities and regions?
The final reports for the Cooperative and Highly Automated Driving Safety Study, a trial of a prototype, level 4, highly automated vehicle on Queensland roads.
Our smart bike light trial has ended, and the wrap-up article, and the trial’s final report, ‘Light Insight Trial (LiT) Research Report’ is available here.
A wrap-up of our frictionless ticketing project, and the final report, ‘Public transport & frictionless ticketing: Technology opportunities’.
Download ‘AiRAP Automation for Australian Road Safety’, the final report of what is an Intelligent Transport Systems project that is the first of its kind globally.
Recommendations from “FACTS: A Framework for an Australian Clean Transport Strategy”, including a downloadable copy of the final report.
Download ‘Creating our future transport and mobility workforce: Understanding the workforce implications of transport digitalisation and automation in Australia’.
Download the final report, ‘Validating the benefits of increased drone uptake for Australia: Geographic, demographic and social insights’.