Planning for the electrification of the Victorian bus fleet
The final report for the “Charging requirements for Melbourne’s electric bus fleet” project. Includes findings, methodology, and recommendations.
The final report for the “Charging requirements for Melbourne’s electric bus fleet” project. Includes findings, methodology, and recommendations.
Outcomes from the “Clean fuels, lower emissions in red meat processing transport” project, including methodology, recommendations, and the final report.
This project will form a strategy to transition WA school buses to zero emissions vehicles, supporting decisions to enable transition starting mid to late 2020s.
The wrap-up and final report for our Electric school buses for Western Australia: Feasibility study.
iMOVE’s ‘Investigating the viability of hydrogen fuel for heavy vehicle use’ has been completed, and the final report is available for download.
A comparative evaluation of the energy and environmental performance of the electric battery and hydrogen fuel cell for freight vehicles in Australia.
This project will investigate & develop solutions for sustainable repurposing of used batteries from electric vehicles (EV), including mining trucks, buses, & cars.
Handling retired EV batteries sustainably will become a major challenge. This project, we research current and emerging practices for the next life of batteries.
This project will develop accessibility guidelines for Low and Zero Emission Vehicle charging infrastructure, collaborating with industry and people with disability.
A comparative evaluation of the energy and environmental performance of the electric battery and hydrogen fuel cell for freight vehicles in Australia.
This project will analyse the public transport bus network of metropolitan Melbourne, and build a spatio-temporal charging map for the use of electric buses.
This project identifies key segments of the heavy vehicle fleet likely to transition to hydrogen fuel technology and provide a roadmap for the NSW government.
This project will develop, test, and deliver a data-integrated visualisation and analytics platform for heavy transport emissions, efficiency, and sustainability.
This PhD project explores ways for airlines to engage with customers, industry and more to incorporate new insights into their sustainability strategies.
In this PhD project multiple trucks, each of which is equipped with drones, will via simulation deliver grocery purchases in parallel to customers.
This PhD project looks to investigate how EV owners use and charge their vehicles, and more broadly, Australian consumers’ willingness to purchase an EV.