The Internet of Things and the tracking and monitoring of freight
An innovative low-cost Internet of Things (IoT)-based solution providing real-time insights into freight location and condition, including maintaining cold chains.
An innovative low-cost Internet of Things (IoT)-based solution providing real-time insights into freight location and condition, including maintaining cold chains.
This project will develop a data fusion framework to infer road freight origin-destination flows using information from multiple sources.
The project developed a tailored roadmap for the governance of truck movement data for the purposes of informing policy, planning and network operations.
A wrap-up of the “Scenario developments for forecasting urban freight shifts” project, including downloadable copies of its final reports.
An overview of the completed “New/emerging transport tech: Greater accessibility and inclusivity” project, including a downloadable copy of the final report.
An iMOVE project outcomes webinar, presenting findings from the iMOVE project “Improving transport accessibility for people living with disability”.
This project will uncover attitudes and actions that are most likely to effect tangible change towards a more sustainable, decarbonised transport system.
The “What C-ITS technologies for national deployment in Australia?” project has been completed – a wrap-up and final report is downloadable here.
This project designs, tests, and validates a pilot methodology for harvesting activity data of active road users – pedestrians and personal mobility devices.
A comparative evaluation of the energy and environmental performance of the electric battery and hydrogen fuel cell for freight vehicles in Australia.
This project will allow assessment of C-ITS benefits, deployment, & considerations & provide recommendations that could support adoption by Australian road authorities.
This project will investigate the environmental impacts of the transition from conventional vehicles to Connected and Automated Vehicles in Australia.
This project will develop guidance materials for CAV and public transport developers/operators to ensure people with disability are considered in design/implementation.
Recommendations/policy directions for transition to LZEV trucks, & analysis of total cost of ownership & geospatial roadmap analysis for refueller / EV chargers.
How likely will the impacts of COVD-19 influence resulting spatial patterns of employment activity and residential settlement in Australian cities and regions?
This project will identify opportunities to overcome common barriers to transport accessibility and inclusivity via use of new/emerging transport technologies.