Sydney MaaS trial: Design, implementation, lessons, the future
Our MaaS trial in Sydney project, running for 2 years, has concluded, and a final report on the project has been released. That report is downloadable here.
Our MaaS trial in Sydney project, running for 2 years, has concluded, and a final report on the project has been released. That report is downloadable here.
This project will examine if and how CAV modes and services can be incorporated into the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002.
This project will use the Chatswood CBD as a living laboratory using data to improve visitor experience, with an initial focus on parking.
Research project to develop empirical understanding of the skills gaps, shortages, and the necessary training needs in transport/mobility to inform policy.
From lessons learnt in the FLEX autonomous shuttle trial at the Tonsley Innovation District, this project will deliver new, innovative use cases for FLEX.
iMOVE’s Sydney MaaS trial has been running for some months, and today an interim report on the project has been released.
This proof-of-concept project aims to develop a Vehicle to Bicycle (V2B) communication system to reduce collisions and enhance driver awareness of cyclists.
The object of this project is to define conceptually the elements of the future transport and mobility environment in the form of a discussion paper.
A project to adapt key existing planning tools, guidelines and frameworks to account for the uncertainty of changing trends and emerging technologies.
This project looks to consider current parking challenges, & work towards a solution that enables the wider availability & usability of car-share services.
This project looks to consider current parking challenges, & work towards a solution that enables the wider availability & usability of car-share services.
A 6-month trial of MaaS in Sydney, with participants using an app to pay for and arrange their everyday travel needs.
Improvement of Brisbane’s parking management through analysis, prediction, and data sharing.
The report from IMOVE’s first completed project, the MaaS and On-Demand Transport Consumer Research & Report, has been published.
This project will survey Australian transport users to better understand their appreciation of, and interest in, MaaS and on-demand transport services.