The Internet of Things and the tracking and monitoring of freight
An innovative low-cost Internet of Things (IoT)-based solution providing real-time insights into freight location and condition, including maintaining cold chains.
An innovative low-cost Internet of Things (IoT)-based solution providing real-time insights into freight location and condition, including maintaining cold chains.
Transport for NSW is exploring possible improvements to the current policy settings to increase rail mode share for the Port Botany IMEX freight task.
Outcomes from the “Clean fuels, lower emissions in red meat processing transport” project, including methodology, recommendations, and the final report.
The “Construction industry supply chain data sharing framework” project’s goal was uncovering how industry-wide collaboration unlocks new efficiencies.
This project will explore the current state of graffiti and graffiti prevention in Australia and overseas, with a particular focus on public transport.
A comparative evaluation of the energy and environmental performance of the electric battery and hydrogen fuel cell for freight vehicles in Australia.
The study will update and improve the evidence base available to NSW, QLD, and VIC governments for bulk grain production/movements on the east coast.
This project will develop a prototype Uncrewed Air System (UAS) for long-range delivery of packages in Australia.
A profile on iMOVE PhD program member Yijie Su, including her reflection on her ‘Transformative commercial urban delivery solutions’ project.
A showcase of winning video presentations on student projects from iMOVE’s 2023 intake of the Undergraduate Student Industry Program.
This project will use AI and Computational Fluid Dynamics to simulate, model, and analyse flight performance in microgravity conditions.
Recommendations/policy directions for transition to LZEV trucks, & analysis of total cost of ownership & geospatial roadmap analysis for refueller / EV chargers.
Watch the recording of the ‘Our changing transport and mobility workforce – understanding and addressing future skills gaps’ webinar.
Download ‘Creating our future transport and mobility workforce: Understanding the workforce implications of transport digitalisation and automation in Australia’.
Register for our 26 April 2023 webinar, presenting the results of our ‘Workforce implications of transport digitalisation and automation’ project.
This research will model the impact of various policy levers on carbon emissions from road and rail freight, and to identify the economic benefits.