Roundabout safety review using drone video analytics
This project leverages drone video analytics data collected at over 50 roundabouts in Perth to conduct comprehensive safety analyses.
This project leverages drone video analytics data collected at over 50 roundabouts in Perth to conduct comprehensive safety analyses.
An innovative low-cost Internet of Things (IoT)-based solution providing real-time insights into freight location and condition, including maintaining cold chains.
This project will develop an innovative traceability system for the Australian Southern Rock Lobster industry, leveraging computer vision and machine learning.
This project will develop a data fusion framework to infer road freight origin-destination flows using information from multiple sources.
A wrap-up of the “Modelling perimeter controls: Detailed simulation project”, including conclusions and directions for further research, and a copy of the final report.
This project’s aim was to improve efficiency of tram operations, assist with route and service planning, integration, and operation of tram routes with other modes of transport.
The project developed a tailored roadmap for the governance of truck movement data for the purposes of informing policy, planning and network operations.
A wrap-up of the “Scenario developments for forecasting urban freight shifts” project, including downloadable copies of its final reports.
This project aims to provide actionable insights for a sustainable future in rail transport, using data-driven optimisation methods.
A feasibility study, examining the use of real-time train info to inform pedestrians/road users when a train will be passing, and how long the gate will be closed.
This project will investigate/develop a data-driven assessment tool for arterial networks, using established/emerging technologies and advanced data analytics.
Eligible students are invited to apply for the SCATS Student Traffic Data Innovation Challenge, running on 15 and 16 September 2023.
Download ‘AiRAP Automation for Australian Road Safety’, the final report of what is an Intelligent Transport Systems project that is the first of its kind globally.
Download ‘Creating our future transport and mobility workforce: Understanding the workforce implications of transport digitalisation and automation in Australia’.
This study will develop a robust, efficient and cost-effective methodology for the calibration of the Strategic Adelaide Model using new data collection methods.
Download ‘Key Freight Route Mapping’, the final report from our Mapping Australian freight: SWOT analysis project.