FILTER: Framework for evaluation of precincts
This collaboration will pioneer a new framework for evaluating outcomes in precincts, with clear metrics and benchmarks for evaluating goals and objectives.
This collaboration will pioneer a new framework for evaluating outcomes in precincts, with clear metrics and benchmarks for evaluating goals and objectives.
Project outcomes of TMR’s desire to develop the capability to influence land use planning to better use/account for changes in future transport network capacity.
A wrap-up of the “Modelling perimeter controls: Detailed simulation project”, including conclusions and directions for further research, and a copy of the final report.
This project’s aim was to improve efficiency of tram operations, assist with route and service planning, integration, and operation of tram routes with other modes of transport.
This project aims to minimise impacts of road/network changes & disruptions, providing passengers information/services for viable alternatives to reduce car use.
This project provided an overview of new and emerging technology solutions to aid community engagement around road safety.
The project developed a tailored roadmap for the governance of truck movement data for the purposes of informing policy, planning and network operations.
A wrap-up of the “Improved Sensing for Signalised Intersections”, the technologies investigated, and the expected project impacts.
A wrap-up of the “Scenario developments for forecasting urban freight shifts” project, including downloadable copies of its final reports.
This project will identify how Transport for NSW designs space for effective and respectful service provision for rough sleepers sheltering in transport precincts.
An overview of the completed “Collation of shared spaces infrastructure in NSW” project, including a downloadable copy of the final report.
An overview of the completed “New/emerging transport tech: Greater accessibility and inclusivity” project, including a downloadable copy of the final report.
A wrap-up of “Promoting sustainable university travel choices” project. Includes a download of the full, final report.
The “What C-ITS technologies for national deployment in Australia?” project has been completed – a wrap-up and final report is downloadable here.
The aim of this project is to evaluate the effectiveness, benefits, and outcomes of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor program of work.
Our “The future of travel demand modelling and forecasting” project is now complete. Here we provide an overview of the work, and includes the final report.