A new model for insights into Adelaide household travel patterns
Project outcomes and downloadable final report for the “Evaluation of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor” project.
Project outcomes and downloadable final report for the “Evaluation of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor” project.
This project will develop a data fusion framework to infer road freight origin-destination flows using information from multiple sources.
Our “The future of travel demand modelling and forecasting” project is now complete. Here we provide an overview of the work, and includes the final report.
This project will test and improve the cost and policy settings of the National Variable Pricing Matrix for community transport providers to ensure sustainability.
A report on the gathering of up-to-date anthropometric data for applicability to design for the Australian transport industry.
How likely will the impacts of COVD-19 influence resulting spatial patterns of employment activity and residential settlement in Australian cities and regions?
Watch the recording of the ‘The future of drones in Australia’ webinar, offering geographic, demographic, and societal insights from our research.
Register for our 11 May 2023 webinar, presenting the outcomes of our ‘The future of drones in Australia’ project.
Download the final report, ‘Validating the benefits of increased drone uptake for Australia: Geographic, demographic and social insights’.
This study will develop a robust, efficient and cost-effective methodology for the calibration of the Strategic Adelaide Model using new data collection methods.
Dr Ali Ardeshiri is an urban economist/choice modeller at the University of South Australia. Here we find out more about his research, career path, and more.
The major findings from our Recalibrating Adelaide’s strategic transport model project, plus download a copy of the final report.
This study will investigate Australia’s emerging drone sector by summarising the current state of development and lessons learnt from other countries.
Discover the ITS, freight, and smart mobility research capabilities of the University of South Australia, Overview, key staff, awards, projects, and more.
A study of the attraction/retention of businesses/households to regional cities, & the long-term impacts of COVID on spatial patterns of employment/settlement.
Our ‘Encouraging continuation of work from home post-pandemic’ project has been completed, and the final report is available here.