Modelling perimeter controls: Detailed simulation
This project will build on simulations of gating, and use MFDs to demonstrate its benefits in enabling better control of the Perth road network.
This project will build on simulations of gating, and use MFDs to demonstrate its benefits in enabling better control of the Perth road network.
Project to build new knowledge and develop approaches to perpetuate and mainstream some of the more positive behaviours and outcomes of working from home.
Research project to develop empirical understanding of the skills gaps, shortages, and the necessary training needs in transport/mobility to inform policy.
This project’s aim is to improve the households & business land use activity inputs to transport modelling provided by a spatial econometric land use model.
A project looking at vehicle detection technologies for traffic signal control and smart freeway operations, using comparative analysis and field trials.
A project to adapt key existing planning tools, guidelines and frameworks to account for the uncertainty of changing trends and emerging technologies.
The Action Plan for National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy is the roadmap for the next 5 years for improvements in the freight and logistics sector.
Overview of the Australian short-haul urban intermodal freight landscape, with a particular focus on Perth, and the work of PATREC.
This project aims to improve the ability of road authorities to predict network performance in the short-term using data-driven analytics and to estimate the impact of automated vehicles (AVs) in longer-term predictions.
Related research streams to support the Westport Taskforce in planning for the Outer Harbour at Kwinana and the associated road and rail links as part of the long term integrated transport plan for Western Australia.
Western Australia kicks off its iMOVE involvement with two projects, one looking at traffic prediction and preparation for connected vehicles, the other planning freight and trade logistics strategy for the next 50-100 years for Perth and its surrounds.