In every country across the world, and in every way, we have been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. And the transport and freight sectors have certainly not gone untouched!

Public transport patronage and road use have dropped significantly, no surprise as so many people have lost their jobs, or are working from home.

Along with this, we’re seeing some interesting transport developments worldwide. Whether for reasons of social distancing or for the opportunity to experiment, some roads are being closed to vehicular traffic. Cycling has seen a boom, and scooter use is up in some areas. We’re seeing that our supply chains, for one reason or another, have taken a hit.

Transport has changed in the present, and is certain to undergo changes post-pandemic. This is not limited to the transport sector of course, and though we can only guess at what those changes will be we know that change is indeed in our futures.

In this series of interviews we’re asking transport experts about the effects of COVID-19 on the industry now, along with their thoughts on its influence on the future.

If you’d like to be considered for the series, get in touch using the Contact iMOVE form.

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