Aimsun Auto: Model automated vehicles at city scale
Aimsun Auto enables the creation of virtual testing testing environments for the design & validation of path planning algorithms for self-driving vehicles.
News, articles, and R&D reports, on transport infrastructure, Connected and Automated Vehicles, smart cities, multi-modal transport services, & more.
Aimsun Auto enables the creation of virtual testing testing environments for the design & validation of path planning algorithms for self-driving vehicles.
In a bid to increase efficiency and road worker safety, Highways England is trialling an autonomous dump truck, equipped with technology used in Australian mining.
The Australian Academy of Technology & Engineering has released a study examining how Australia should adapt new transport technology between now & 2030.
Elon Musk has again spoken out on LIDAR, decrying its use in autonomous vehicles. We obtained Professor Michael Milford’s opinion on this technology debate.
iMOVE partner, the Adelaide-based Cohda Wireless, will supply some of its V2X-Locate technology to a test bed in central Berlin.
An Auto Skills Australia Churchill Fellowship offers the chance to travel overseas & investigate topics/issues in the automotive/mobility industries.
The story of the inaugural iMOVE Transport of Tomorrow Symposium, told through image taken over the course of the two days of the event.
Details of the speaker topics, workshops and panel discussion to be presented at iMOVE’s Transport of Tomorrow Symposium, 26 and 27 March 2019.
Highlights from The Hon Alan Tudge MP’s 25 February 2019 speech, entitled Cities, congestion and the opportunity of automated vehicles.
Queensland is looking for technology-based solutions to help reduce driver distraction due to use of mobile phones, tablets, and other devices.
Our Transport of Tomorrow Symposium will be held in Melbourne, March 2019, a forum to help create the transport systems Australia needs for the future.
What were iMOVE’s most-read articles over the course of 2018? We’re glad you asked, and here they are, counted down from 10 to number 1.
Victoria has begun a 2 year trial of Telstra’s new Cellular V2X technology. iMOVE partners VicRoads and the Transport Accident Commission are also involved.
Cohda Wireless has joined the TMR and iMOVE project ‘CAVI 500-vehicle C-ITS Field Operational Test’, supplying tech for V2V and V2I communications.
Queensland’s Hold the Red trial sees radar used to prolong red traffic light signals in instances of drivers looking likely to beat a change of lights.
Sydney and Melbourne are amongst the 38 world cities rated by the first edition of the HERE Urban Mobility Index. How did they go?