ITS Monday: Edition 38, 2021
Included this week, hydrogen and electric vehicles news, an excellent new Australian data dashboard, and possible and definite changes afoot in Melbourne.
*ITS Monday is a small collection of curated content, published on Mondays, from the worlds of intelligent transport systems, smart mobility, and associated areas.
The idea behind ITS Monday was in part driven by our former ITS Weekly Roundup, an email newsletter we used to send each Friday in our start-up phase that collected interesting stories happening all around the ITS world.
We see quite a lot of interesting content on social media (you can follow us on Linkedin and Twitter), so every (or most!) week we’ll collect a few things, and include them in ITS Monday.
For a closer look at iMOVE projects, activities, and articles, we also recommend subscribing to our monthly iMOVE newsletter!).
*Inclusion in ITS Monday does not equal iMOVE endorsement. It’s more aimed at discovery, thought, or discussion … or all of those and more! And while for the most part the content will be current, a little age doesn’t necessarily mean diminished interest.
Included this week, hydrogen and electric vehicles news, an excellent new Australian data dashboard, and possible and definite changes afoot in Melbourne.
Included this week, a few EV stories, cutting emissions, smart bus shelters, and The Complete Guide to Autonomous Vehicles.
Included this week, a handy toll for saving money using public transport, Melbourne PT woes, cycling, and MaaS.
Included this week, National Freight Data Hub news, new city bike corridors, Sydney train real-time info, and SA’s new walking strategy.
Included this week, safe and legal micromobility, new Qld public transport vehicles, greener supply chain, and more.
Included this week, Australia’s future vehicles forecast, e-scooter trials, last-mile logistics, hydrogen production research breakthrough, and more.
Included this week, road use charging x 2, National Location Registry, supply chain strain, and more on the bad boy of hydrogen, blue.
Included this week, some excellent data viz, zero emission bus strategy, trackless trams, climate tickets, hydrogen cars in Qld, and more.
Included this week, 15-minute cities, peak car, electric vehicle dangers, trackless trams, trouble in hydrogen land, and more.
Included this week, new NSW transport plan, the pandemic effect on traffic, trees, ferries, more trouble in scooter land, and more.
Included this week, the benefits of active value capture for major transport projects, the advantages of cargo bikes, and hydrogen fuel cell news.
Included this week, innovative urban transport, safer streets, HD maps, e-buses, and encouraging use of active transport to continue post-COVIDworld.
Included this week, overestimation of cars’ importance, more active travel, purple scooters in Brisbane, parking at work, and more.
Included this week, MaaS and MoD in 2021, fully automated driving systems standards, the bike boom, and more safety for scooters.
Included this week, MaaS and MoD in 2021, fully automated driving systems standards, the bike boom, and more safety for scooters.
Included this week, hydrogen and electric powered buses, Victoria putting money into hydrogen, the parking monster, and a 10-year transport plan in NZ.
Included this week, student-designed autonomous shuttle in WA, hydrogen buses for the mines, working from home = bad, Qld and electric vehicles, and more.
Included this week, electric trains and ferries for Sydney, Brisbane’s first electric buses, MaaS, and GM’s increasing investment in EVs, AVs, and flying vehicles.
Included this week, the 30-minute city, working from home, electric cars and buses, cycling successes, 5G cycling helmet, and more.
Included this week, EVs and road use charges, e-buses, e-bikes, and e-scooters, parklet extension, and more.
Included this week, AI and congestion prediction, Qld Infrastructure Conference, Women in Transport, EV tax, and carless apartments.
Included this week, COVID and public transport (again!), electric buses, e-scooters and e-bikes, and the trials of going electric in Australia.
Included this week, working from home. road use charging, induced demand, electric vehicles and congestion, e-scooters, and more.
Included this week: road use charging, trackless trams, free public transport, e-scooters, parklets, city design, and more.