How soon is now? The convincing case for connected vehicles
The results of an eight-month study of the benefits of moving to more connected vehicle technology on Australian roads have been released.
The results of an eight-month study of the benefits of moving to more connected vehicle technology on Australian roads have been released.
The Ipswich Connected Vehicle Pilot sees hundreds of cars fitted with technology to allow them to communicate with each other and with road infrastructure.
The Data Aggregation Pilot Project is an investigation of how industry freight data can be harnessed to inform infrastructure planning & policy priorities.
The Federal Government is looking for input from the freight and logistics sector in the design, breadth, and build of a National Freight Data Hub.
The Federal Government’s funding the design and trialling of a national freight data hub was universally welcomed by the freight and logistics sector.
The Australian Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development has announced its plan to design a national freight data hub.
Identification & articulation of data requirements in the freight & supply chain sector, along with investigation of openness of companies to sharing data.
iMOVE and the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development & Cities (DIRDC) have launched a major new project to investigate & improve freight data.
Security Credential Management System (SCMS) project, as part of the 500-vehicle, on-road field operational test of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems safety applications.