Brisbane parking management: An integrated, strategic approach
This research will extend over a three-year period and develop a strategic digital plan to improve the parking experience in Brisbane.
This research will extend over a three-year period and develop a strategic digital plan to improve the parking experience in Brisbane.
This PhD research will develop and apply advanced econometric models in estimating injury severity models for active travellers.
The iMOVE project Australia’s Public Transport Disability Standards and CAVs project has been completed, and final reports are available for download.
This PhD project will focus on smart adoption of MaaS with the purpose of providing vulnerable travellers with equitable mobility services.
This project aims to update and expand the TRavel, Environment and Kids study (TREK) conducted in Perth in 2005.
This project explores new/emerging technologies offering a true frictionless ticketing experience across multiple modes for disabled public transport customers.
Read about the findings from our ‘Conceptual architecture for future transport and mobility environment’ project, and download the final report.
The research project will provide evidence of the short to medium-term changes and benefits of the Active Travel Plan, as well as enable longer-term benefits.
This project will provide robust recommendations for suggested initiatives to influence travel behaviours and demand in a university environment.
A downloadable final report for our ‘Managing transport system investment risk’ project, along with the main findings of that report.
The ODIN PASS MaaS trial will launch in mid-2021 at University of Queensland St Lucia for staff and students over a 12-month initial deployment period.
This project will investigate the systemic issues, opportunities, and barriers for overcoming transport disadvantage and enhancing community transport.
Assessment of emerging sustainable urban mobility opportunities for Liverpool NSW, underpinned by the opening of the new Nancy-Bird Walton Airport.
A project investigating whether smart bike lights will not only enhance visibility, but also provide new insight into road safety issues for cyclists.
This study will look at current Australian attitudes towards CAVs, and levers available for government to increase community acceptance and confidence.
This project will provide evidence-based guidance to various levels of government for a Low and Zero Emission Transport Strategy for Australia.