The business of Mobility as a Service: A project update
An update on our project, ‘MaaS business models: Lessons for operators and regulators’, along with a downloadable report.
An update on our project, ‘MaaS business models: Lessons for operators and regulators’, along with a downloadable report.
Liftango’s Kevin Orr looks around at the change the pandemic is forcing up our transport now, and how it might continue to exert an influence in the future.
Our interview with Alyson O’Rourke, a strategic transport planner working for the City of Gold Coast, and how it is faring transport-wise with the pandemic.
Garry Liddle AO sits down with iMOVE for some big picture thoughts on transport is coping with the pandemic, and how the future may play out.
Graham McCabe, Director, Transport Advisory at Urbis, is an expert advisor on city transport solutions. We sought his thoughts on transport & the pandemic.
Professor David Hensher of Sydney University’s ITLS speculates on the role MaaS may have post-COVID-19, proposing two possible scenarios.
RMIT University’s Nirajan Shiwakoti speaks to the changes the pandemic will bring to public transport, supply chains, & reallocation of space on our roads.
John Wall of Austroads is a transport professional with tertiary qualifications in epidemiology, so has a unique perspective on the effects of the pandemic.
Tony Canavan is Global Transport Leader, Government & Public Sector at EY, a big role, & he has some big thoughts on the impact of COVID-19 on transport.
Tom Walker of Cubic and his thoughts on the effects of COVID-19 on the industry, and what parts of it may not recover to pre-pandemic levels.
Yale Wong, Honorary Associate at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, ponders the effects of COVID-19 on transport.
Akshay Vij, research fellow at the Institute for Choice, within the University of South Australia, ponders the effects of COVID-19 on transport.
Watch the video of our Mobility as a Service: Progress and insights from an Australian trial webinar, featuring Professor David Hensher and Sam Lorimer.
iMOVE’s Sydney MaaS trial has been running for some months, and today an interim report on the project has been released.
iMOVE has hit the 30 project mark. Find out more about the latest 10 projects, who’s leading them, and where they are taking place.
A few resources for information on how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the transport sector in Australia.