Conceptual architecture for future transport and mobility environment
The object of this project is to define conceptually the elements of the future transport and mobility environment in the form of a discussion paper.
The object of this project is to define conceptually the elements of the future transport and mobility environment in the form of a discussion paper.
This project will develop a series of evidence-based design principles and guidelines to balance place-making and vehicle movement in NSW.
This project looks to consider current parking challenges, & work towards a solution that enables the wider availability & usability of car-share services.
This project looks to consider current parking challenges, & work towards a solution that enables the wider availability & usability of car-share services.
A 6-month trial of MaaS in Sydney, with participants using an app to pay for and arrange their everyday travel needs.
Work toward a proposed framework and subsequent model to better utilise and account for changes in the future transport network capacity.
Identification & articulation of data requirements in the freight & supply chain sector, along with investigation of openness of companies to sharing data.
Development of a general framework for cooperative data fusion, integrating data coming from vehicles and infrastructure.
A project involving a comprehensive review of national and international research on travel demand modelling, with a view to informing future research.
Improvement of Brisbane’s parking management through analysis, prediction, and data sharing.
Preparation for the arrival of Connected and Automated Vehicles on Australian roads, and their safety, mobility and environmental benefits.
Assessment of how successful current road infrastructure is in allowing the safe and reliable use of automated vehicles, and how to fix shortcomings.
The report from IMOVE’s first completed project, the MaaS and On-Demand Transport Consumer Research & Report, has been published.
This iMOVE research project involves the collection and analysis of detailed data to implement and validate advanced algorithms, to support the early identification of the onset of congestion and identify how best to mitigate its potential impact.
Security Credential Management System (SCMS) project, as part of the 500-vehicle, on-road field operational test of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems safety applications.
This project aims to improve the ability of road authorities to predict network performance in the short-term using data-driven analytics and to estimate the impact of automated vehicles (AVs) in longer-term predictions.