John Wall on COVID-19 and transport
John Wall of Austroads is a transport professional with tertiary qualifications in epidemiology, so has a unique perspective on the effects of the pandemic.
John Wall of Austroads is a transport professional with tertiary qualifications in epidemiology, so has a unique perspective on the effects of the pandemic.
Renata Berglas, CEO of Queensland Transport and Logistics Council, tells iMOVE about the rapid responses to the pandemic by the freight/logistics sector.
This week in ITS Monday: Stories on: a new book, recent supermarket shortages, COVID-19-based stories from Brisbane, Sydney, and Victoria, and more.
Tony Canavan is Global Transport Leader, Government & Public Sector at EY, a big role, & he has some big thoughts on the impact of COVID-19 on transport.
Tom Walker of Cubic and his thoughts on the effects of COVID-19 on the industry, and what parts of it may not recover to pre-pandemic levels.
Yale Wong, Honorary Associate at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, ponders the effects of COVID-19 on transport.
Akshay Vij, research fellow at the Institute for Choice, within the University of South Australia, ponders the effects of COVID-19 on transport.
Dr Elliot Fishman, Director of the Institute for Sensible Transport, takes a cycling-oriented tilt at the effects of COVID-19 on transport.
Watch the video of our Mobility as a Service: Progress and insights from an Australian trial webinar, featuring Professor David Hensher and Sam Lorimer.
This week in ITS Monday: possible shifting of infrastructure $ in NSW, Melbourne’s and transport planning in the future, MaaS and the new normal, and more.
iMOVE’s Sydney MaaS trial has been running for some months, and today an interim report on the project has been released.
Professor David Hensher, Director of the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies has given us his thoughts on how he sees COVID-19 affecting transport.
Michael Milford, Professor of Robotics at the Queensland University of Technology, on COVID-19 and its effect on transport now, and influence on its future.
This week in ITS Monday: active transport, avoiding congestion post-pandemic, troubles with public transport, robot delivery vehicles, and the ROI of autonomous trucks.
An interview with Lisa Iverach of Transport for NSW, about her current job, and her move from academia in the area of psychology, into transport research.
A project looking at vehicle detection technologies for traffic signal control and smart freeway operations, using comparative analysis and field trials.