Role of heterogeneity in active travellers’ injury severity analysis
This PhD research will develop and apply advanced econometric models in estimating injury severity models for active travellers.
This PhD research will develop and apply advanced econometric models in estimating injury severity models for active travellers.
In this PhD project data analytics on Bluetooth trajectories and traffic states will be applied to empirically estimate the assignment matrix for the network.
Hear about the exciting ITS work that has taken place in Australia over the past year, in our C-ITS projects leading the way in Australia webinar.
Find out about outcomes from Australian C-ITS projects run through iMOVE, presented by leaders and researchers on the projects.
This project will provide guidance on best practice for the procurement and safe use of incident response vehicles and truck-mounted attenuators.
This PhD project will design, implement, & evaluate a novel distributed publish-process-subscribe framework for supply chains using blockchain technology.
Hear from iMOVE Board member Michelle Reynolds, and her experience of taking a drive in Australia’s most advanced cooperative and automated car, ZOE2.
This project will see an Aimsun Live pilot system installed in Queensland, providing real-time simulation-based prediction, projecting 60 minutes ahead.
A new report from iMOVE, TMR, QUT, and RACQ, to investigate exactly what is needed for maps to aid in the safe introduction of CAVs on Australian roads.
The build of standardised analysis methodology to evaluate the safety benefits of C-ITS, guiding transport agencies in regard to supporting its development.
PhD research, developing a new algorithm for integrated traffic network control, with ramp metering, variable speed limit and arterial intersection control.
The Ipswich Connected Vehicle Pilot sees hundreds of cars fitted with technology to allow them to communicate with each other and with road infrastructure.
This project will carry out a literature review on high definition map creation, ahead of further work in this area to facilitate automated driving.
Michael Milford, Professor of Robotics at the Queensland University of Technology, on COVID-19 and its effect on transport now, and influence on its future.
Safety and congestion are two of the key challenges on our networks and there is strong potential for connectivity and C-ITS to help.
This proof-of-concept project aims to develop a Vehicle to Bicycle (V2B) communication system to reduce collisions and enhance driver awareness of cyclists.