Roundabout safety review using drone video analytics
This project leverages drone video analytics data collected at over 50 roundabouts in Perth to conduct comprehensive safety analyses.
This project leverages drone video analytics data collected at over 50 roundabouts in Perth to conduct comprehensive safety analyses.
Project outcomes and downloadable final report for the “Evaluation of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor” project.
A wrap-up of the “Modelling perimeter controls: Detailed simulation project”, including conclusions and directions for further research, and a copy of the final report.
This project aims to minimise impacts of road/network changes & disruptions, providing passengers information/services for viable alternatives to reduce car use.
Download the “Liverpool Sustainable Urban Mobility Study” final report, with objectives, findings, next steps, and more.
This project aims to address congestion and greenhouse gas emissions issues by delivering a real-world MaaS product selected sites on the Gold Coast.
This project will investigate/develop a data-driven assessment tool for arterial networks, using established/emerging technologies and advanced data analytics.
Development and deployment of a proof of concept Real-Time Decision Support Tool for the Mitchell Smart Freeway (Southbound).
Download ‘A Smart Transport Technology Roadmap for Perth’, a summary of key challenges in Perth’s transport network and the technologies to address them.
This study will develop a robust, efficient and cost-effective methodology for the calibration of the Strategic Adelaide Model using new data collection methods.
The Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland) CAVI initiative is at the forefront of work on connectivity and automation for safer & cleaner roads.
Project aim is to identify/analyse specific aspects of existing & emergent connected & other vehicle & traffic data, to improve existing network management.
This project aims to perform a comprehensive diagnostic of TMR’s motorway control algorithms and opportunities for optimisation using emerging technologies.
Develop performance-based, multimodal network management to better connect longer- and shorter-term transport operations activities and land use planning.
The outcome of the project is to have the capability to obtain relevant data analytics from fixed cameras & have the capability to run those analytics themselves.
Download the three final reports from iMOVE’s ‘Improved network performance prediction through data-driven analytics and simulation’ project.