Our top 10 articles for 2018
What were iMOVE’s most-read articles over the course of 2018? We’re glad you asked, and here they are, counted down from 10 to number 1.
News, articles, interviews and more, in the areas of intelligent transport systems, freight and logistics, and mobility.
What were iMOVE’s most-read articles over the course of 2018? We’re glad you asked, and here they are, counted down from 10 to number 1.
Victoria has begun a 2 year trial of Telstra’s new Cellular V2X technology. iMOVE partners VicRoads and the Transport Accident Commission are also involved.
Cohda Wireless has joined the TMR and iMOVE project ‘CAVI 500-vehicle C-ITS Field Operational Test’, supplying tech for V2V and V2I communications.
Queensland’s Hold the Red trial sees radar used to prolong red traffic light signals in instances of drivers looking likely to beat a change of lights.
What requirements and ideas drove the design and build of Perth’s newest, biggest sports venue, Optus Stadium? Main Roads WA’s Mark Beasley tells the story.
Sydney and Melbourne are amongst the 38 world cities rated by the first edition of the HERE Urban Mobility Index. How did they go?
Sydney train passengers can now pay for fares using credit cards, smartphones, smart watches, wearables, and other electronic devices.
iMOVE and the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development & Cities (DIRDC) have launched a major new project to investigate & improve freight data.
Research work that underpins one of iMOVE’s projects has been awarded the Australasian Transport Research Forum’s prestigious John H. Taplin Prize.
Cohda Wireless ran a live test in the Adelaide CBD of its V2X-Locate technology, helping two connected, driverless cars navigate and communicate.
Ahead of the release of Australia’s National Freight and Supply Chain Strategy, the ALC has looked at how we collect and use data in the supply chain.
Jaguar Land Rover has been working for four years on a sound for its electric vehicles to convey motion, direction change, and proximity to vulnerable road users.
iMOVE has marked the end of its first intake of Undergraduate Student Industry Program students with an awards dinner, with prizes awarded to students for their end-of-year video presentations.
iMOVE has published full details on its first 10 transport and smart mobility projects. Find out more about the R&D, who’s doing what, & where.
Australia and the US state of Michigan connected via an MOU this week, looking to share knowledge and expertise in all things Intelligent Transport Systems.
The new Office of Future Transport Technologies will strengthen Australia’s strategic leadership role in the successful introduction of smart mobility.