TRIPS: A Trip Rate Information Processing System
This project will develop a centralised trip/parking generation database that can also facilitate the design, implementation, and validation of Green Travel Plans.
This project will develop a centralised trip/parking generation database that can also facilitate the design, implementation, and validation of Green Travel Plans.
This project will develop a prototype Uncrewed Air System (UAS) for long-range delivery of packages in Australia.
This project will develop guidance materials for CAV and public transport developers/operators to ensure people with disability are considered in design/implementation.
The intent of this project is to better understand active travel demand – people’s choices to use active travel, trip purposes, and their route choices.
This project will test and improve the cost and policy settings of the National Variable Pricing Matrix for community transport providers to ensure sustainability.
Development and deployment of a proof of concept Real-Time Decision Support Tool for the Mitchell Smart Freeway (Southbound).
The overall objective of this project is to be able to provide more realistic and better travel modelling to inform and influence better policy and infrastructure decisions.
This project will use AI and Computational Fluid Dynamics to simulate, model, and analyse flight performance in microgravity conditions.
This project will leverage AI algorithms and machine learning to optimise the performance of city roads, predicting future traffic speeds and responding to them.
This project aims to develop a system to control driver / occupant emotions and mental & physical conditions to enhance road safety & in-vehicle experience.
Develop and field test a large animal activated roadside monitoring and alert system for detecting large animals on roadsides and alerting motorists in advance.
This project will report findings on six use cases unique to Australia as pertains to the use of autonomous vehicles on public roads.
Development of a roadmap for the governance of truck movement data, analysing current / future policy and data sharing landscape for truck telematics data.
The final reports for the Cooperative and Highly Automated Driving Safety Study, a trial of a prototype, level 4, highly automated vehicle on Queensland roads.
A critical review & evaluation of immersive reality using in training & capability development for first responders & multi-agencies in traffic incident management.
This will coordinate/assess transport challenges of multi-centre regions via an integrated hybrid Regional Macro-Mesoscopic transport modelling ecosystem.