Road safety lift: CAVs can now see around corners
Australian scientists have made a breakthrough in cooperative perception tests, showing that CAVs can now see hidden pedestrians, even through buildings.
Australian scientists have made a breakthrough in cooperative perception tests, showing that CAVs can now see hidden pedestrians, even through buildings.
This project will build on simulations of gating, and use MFDs to demonstrate its benefits in enabling better control of the Perth road network.
Project to build new knowledge and develop approaches to perpetuate and mainstream some of the more positive behaviours and outcomes of working from home.
A project examining the benefits/drawbacks of working from home, and the impacts of different arrangements on productivity, transport, health, & wellbeing.
The results of an eight-month study of the benefits of moving to more connected vehicle technology on Australian roads have been released.
Research project to develop empirical understanding of the skills gaps, shortages, and the necessary training needs in transport/mobility to inform policy.
The build of standardised analysis methodology to evaluate the safety benefits of C-ITS, guiding transport agencies in regard to supporting its development.
R&D of new algorithms to process raw data generated by the current RT4 radar, assigning an Austroads classification to all detected vehicles.
This project will carry out a literature review on high definition map creation, ahead of further work in this area to facilitate automated driving.
What will be required for strategic transport system models used by State governments under various Working from Home futures?
This project’s aim is to improve the households & business land use activity inputs to transport modelling provided by a spatial econometric land use model.
A project looking at vehicle detection technologies for traffic signal control and smart freeway operations, using comparative analysis and field trials.
Safety and congestion are two of the key challenges on our networks and there is strong potential for connectivity and C-ITS to help.
This project will result in the building of a storymap to prepare for the safe navigation of passive level crossings by autonomous freight vehicles.
This project will develop a series of evidence-based design principles and guidelines to balance place-making and vehicle movement in NSW.
Work toward a proposed framework and subsequent model to better utilise and account for changes in the future transport network capacity.