A new model for insights into Adelaide household travel patterns
Project outcomes and downloadable final report for the “Evaluation of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor” project.
As peak hour delays leave Australian commuters in limbo, traffic congestion is taking a high economic, social, and environmental toll on the nation.
Australians know the pain of traffic congestion all too well, particularly those who live on the outskirts of the major cities. Commuters driving from Melbourne and Sydney’s outer suburbs to the CBD and back each workday spend around 41 per cent of their commute stuck in traffic. That’s around 77 hours each year, the equivalent of almost two working weeks, according to Infrastructure Partnership Australia’s Travel Time Metric 2020.
What is the impact of traffic congestion? When considering the value of people’s time, road congestion cost the Australian economy $19 billion in 2016, according to Infrastructure Australia’s Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion (2019). Without continued infrastructure investment in our cities, the report suggests this will more than double to $39.8 billion by 2031.
Then there is the environmental impact of millions of cars sitting in traffic. Even when cars are not at a standstill, the slower speeds and stop-and-go conditions of traffic congestion reduces fuel efficiency.
Even a slight decrease in traffic congestion can lead to a significant reduction in travel times, helping to boost the nation’s productivity as people spend less time stuck behind the wheel.
Shorter commute times also improve work life balance and reduce inactivity, in turn delivering physical and mental health benefits while alleviating the social and economic costs of significant public health issues like depression and obesity.
While it comes to the environment, reducing traffic congestion improves fuel efficiency. A large sedan consumes around 1.5 litres of petrol per hour while idling in traffic, meaning those commuters driving from the outskirts of Melbourne and Sydney into the CBD waste around 115 litres each per year.
Along with saving money on petrol bills, those drivers could also reduce their environmental footprint. Each hour a large sedan spends idling in traffic pumps another 1.8 kilograms of CO2 into the atmosphere.
A certain level of traffic congestion is inevitable in any large city. Unavoidable traffic incidents, accidents, road works and poor weather can all conspire to extend the time it takes to drive from A to B.
That said, the biggest cause of traffic congestion is a simple matter of supply and demand. Traffic congestion occurs when the volume of traffic travelling through an area exceeds the road infrastructure’s capacity to handle the smooth flow of that traffic.
Factors driving high traffic volumes in Australia include population growth, sprawling cities, employment centralisation and high reliance on cars due to public transport limitations and a car-centric culture.
Australia’s major cities have a history of tackling traffic congestion by building new freeways and expanding old ones. While offering temporary relief, traffic volumes soon increase to fill the extra capacity, an effect known as “induced demand”.
As such, adding lanes to the freeway to combat congestion has been compared to “fighting obesity by letting out your belt” – creating demand which didn’t previously exist.
A 2011 study in The American Economic Review indicates this may be a “fundamental law of road congestion”. Researchers analysed data from the U.S. Highway Performance and Monitoring System from 1983, 1993 and 2003, as well as information on population, employment, geography, transit and political factors.
They determined the number of vehicle-kilometres travelled increases in direct proportion to the available lane-kilometres of roadways. The implication is that building new roads and widening existing ones only results in additional traffic, which continues to rise until peak congestion returns to the previous level.
This clip from satirical Australian TV show Utopia nicely illustrates the short-term ‘sugar hit’ that is trying to solve congestion by simply adding more roads or lanes.
Traffic planners rely on a range of techniques to improve traffic flow in order to reduce congestion.
Ramp signalling in order to drop feed traffic onto freeways during peak times helps traffic flow more smoothly, along with variable speed limits and rapid response to traffic-blocking accidents. Similar strategies can be extended to arterial roads.
Dedicated lanes for vehicles like buses can also, if highly utilised, ease congestion, along with clearways which ensure lanes are free of parked cars during peak hour. Reversible lanes, which flow in different directions at different times of day, can temporarily increase capacity in one direction when required.
Reducing the number of vehicles on the road would go a long way to easing traffic congestion, as well as helping Australia meet its environmental targets.
One way to reduce traffic volume is to make other modes of transport more attractive. This includes improving public transport’s reach, frequency and reliability, as well as offering park-and-ride services which make it more practical to use public transport for one leg of a journey.. The ideal of improvements in this area is not a better, more frequent timetable, but rather that such services are so frequent that a timetable is superfluous.
Increasing infrastructure support for alternatives like cycling, walking, e-bikes and e-scooters can also encourage people to leave their cars at home. These forms of transport fall under the umbrella of what is called active transport. For some time now, and all across Australia governments are increasing funding into active transport infrastructure, but more evidence and data is needed in order to ascertain the best use incorporation of active transport into the ecosystem. In addition to its contribution to reducing the number of cars on the roads, the other major benefit of active transport is it attendant health benefits.
Another approach is to make driving less attractive. Pricing signals such as road use charges, fuel taxes, and parking fees can encourage drivers to consider other options. These pricing signals can also encourage people to carpool, perhaps with access to high-occupancy vehicle freeway lanes.
It’s important to point out that you don’t have to take that many vehicles off streets to bring about a significant result in easing congestion. The target is to reduce the demand below the ‘tipping point’.
This clip from the YouTube channel of Canada-based Oh the urbanity! goes into more detail on the topic of induced demand, and discusses the differences between induced demand as regards roads, in contrast to induced demand in public transport and active transport.
When you factor in population growth, it’s clear that the mobility model that we have today simply will not work tomorrow. Four billion clean cars on the road are still four billion cars, and a traffic jam with no emissions is still a traffic jam.
Bill Ford – Executive Chairman, Ford Motor Company
Tackling the problem more broadly, societal changes can also reduce peak hour traffic volume and ease congestion.
Rather than sticking to a rigid 9-to-5 schedule, staggering office hours can stagger traffic volumes, resulting in what is known as peak spreading . The rise of the hybrid office arrangement, with many people working from home several days each week, also reduces the number of cars on the road.
When it comes to town planning, efforts to combat urban sprawl by building higher-density housing makes it possible for more people to live closer to good public transport options. Decentralising employment across more satellite hubs, along with planning concepts such as the 15-minute city, can also allow people to work closer to where they live in order to reduce their commute.
Governments in the eastern states are spending enormous sums of money on transport infrastructure. We should use that investment wisely and that means finding a way to encourage people to consider their impact on others when they decide to enter a stream of traffic in peak hour.
Marion Terrill – Transport and Cities Program Director, Grattan Institute
Road Congestion in Australia (2018)
Australian Infrastructure Audit (2019, transport section)
Source: Road Congestion in Australia, AAA (2018)
Source: Identifying 5 Major Causes of Traffic Congestion in Australia
Source: Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019 – Transport Chapter
Source: Urban Transport Crowding and Congestion : The Australian Infrastructure Audit 2019 Supplementary report (Infrastructure Australia)
Source: Freight vehicle congestion in Australia’s five major cities (BITRE 2021)
Want to see just how easy it is to cause a traffic jam, or, conversely, see how changes to roads, road controls and traffic levels and behaviour can improve flow? Try the link below to a Traffic Simulator. Amongst the things you can manipulate are level of traffic flow, driver following behaviour, lane changing behaviour, level of driver politeness, speed, and more. All the choices you make are then displayed in real-time. Click the button below to have a try a virtual traffic management.
TRY THE TRAFFIC SIMULATORWhen it comes to addressing traffic congestion, iMOVE projects are looking at ways to both improve traffic flow and reduce traffic volume.
Optimising the Department of Transport and Main Roads Queensland’s (TMR) motorway control algorithms aims to improve safety and road network efficiency by applying intelligent technologies and advanced control algorithms such as variable speed limits and ramp signalling.
Other traffic flow projects include queue length estimation at signalised intersections and peak hour travel demand calibration.
When it comes to reducing traffic volume, iMove projects include optimising multimodal transport networks, studying innovative transport pricing policies and considering the impact of working from home.
For a look at all of our work in addressing traffic congestion:
Over and above these individual projects, iMOVE’s work at a more macro level will make a difference to traffic congestion across the country. One area in which we conducted several major pieces of work was in the transport reaction to the COVID pandemic, and the big shift that happened in Working from Home. Particular note should be taken of our overarching report that gathered our findings on this shift, in Prospects for Working from Home: Assessing the evidence.
Other approaches to reducing traffic congestion we’re contributing to are:
There’s still a lot of work to be done in reducing the instances and impacts of traffic congestion on Australian roads.
If you’d like to talk to us about any R&D work in this area, please get in touch with us to start a discussion.
iMOVE, along with its partners, is active in carrying out R&D to attack the problem of traffic congestion.
Please find below the three latest traffic congestion projects. Or click to view all iMOVE’s traffic congestion projects.
Project outcomes and downloadable final report for the “Evaluation of the Northern Sydney Freight Corridor” project.
A wrap-up of the “Modelling perimeter controls: Detailed simulation project”, including conclusions and directions for further research, and a copy of the final report.
This project aims to minimise impacts of road/network changes & disruptions, providing passengers information/services for viable alternatives to reduce car use.
In addition to iMOVE and its partners’ traffic congestion-related projects listed above, as part of our Industry PhD Program businesses, universities and PhD students work on an agreed topic over a three-year period.
These are the three most recent PhD projects that have been undertaken on the topic of traffic congestion. Click to view all iMOVE’s traffic congestion PhD projects.
This PhD project proposes a methodology to estimate real-time queue lengths by using high-resolution detector data and signal timing data.
This research will focus on enhanced depiction of pedestrian and active mode interactions with vehicular traffic across a variety of road infrastructure scenarios.
This PhD research aims to investigate new methods for managing urban congestion and reducing emissions through innovative transport pricing policies.
In addition to projects, iMOVE also publishes articles, thoughtpieces, case studies, etc. that cover the many issues and solutions around traffic congestion.
Below are the three most recent articles. Or click to view all iMOVE’s traffic congestion articles.
Over the past few years the kerb – previously a relatively minor concern for city planners and transport engineers – has taken centre stage.
Ongoing, working from home could help unclog our roads. But to confirm this, we need to gain a deeper understanding of the drivers of this behaviour shift.
Marion Terrill is Transport and Cities Program Director at Melbourne’s Grattan Institute, and a strong advocate of congestion charging.