Demand management/estimation in large-scale traffic networks
Development of demand management & estimation tools for large-scale traffic networks, incorporating macroscopic fundamental diagram-based traffic dynamics.
Development of demand management & estimation tools for large-scale traffic networks, incorporating macroscopic fundamental diagram-based traffic dynamics.
A PhD research project aiming to build a model/platform using real-time feeds of all mode movements from smart intersections to optimise signal control.
Traffic data helps us know exactly what the pandemic is doing to our transport networks, and how we can learn to make them stronger in disruptions.
A research project exploring how traffic controls can be optimised to accommodate both legacy and autonomous vehicles, plus vulnerable road users.
Safety and congestion are two of the key challenges on our networks and there is strong potential for connectivity and C-ITS to help.
iMOVE is inviting university partners to share details of PhD students currently already working in the transport area to apply for a top-up scholarships.
This proof-of-concept project aims to develop a Vehicle to Bicycle (V2B) communication system to reduce collisions and enhance driver awareness of cyclists.
iMOVE’s interview with Sam Lorimer, Disruptive Technologist at IAG, and the point man on our MaaS trial in Sydney project.
A PhD research program investigating physical interactions between Connected and Automated Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users in order to assess safety.
The Data Aggregation Pilot Project is an investigation of how industry freight data can be harnessed to inform infrastructure planning & policy priorities.
An interview with Stuart Ballingall, Executive General Manager of TCA, and his long involvement in bringing transport operators and technology together.
Marion Terrill is Transport and Cities Program Director at Melbourne’s Grattan Institute, and a strong advocate of congestion charging.
A feasibility study looking at the possibility of diverting some freight tasks from the road network to utilising spare capacity on public transport.
A project to adapt key existing planning tools, guidelines and frameworks to account for the uncertainty of changing trends and emerging technologies.
This project will result in the building of a storymap to prepare for the safe navigation of passive level crossings by autonomous freight vehicles.
This project will develop a series of evidence-based design principles and guidelines to balance place-making and vehicle movement in NSW.