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2421-090ITSEvaluating the real-world effectiveness of ADASActiveIAG, University of SydneyMore infoNATIONAL
2411-087ITSPrivacy and cybersecurity elements for operational C-ITSActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Edith Cowan UniversityMore infoQLD
2403-043FreightVideo analytics for monitoring active transport networkActiveDepartment of Transport (WA), University of Western Australia, Main Roads Western AustraliaMore infoWA
2392-036FreightSupply chain traceability of live Southern Rock Lobster exportsActiveFiordland Lobster Company Limited, University of TasmaniaMore infoNATIONAL
2382-033FreightRoad freight origination-destination inferenceActiveDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (DITRDCA), University of South AustraliaMore infoNATIONAL
2372-032FreightNSW Freight Policy Research Program: Modules 4 & 5ActiveTransport for NSW, NTROMore infoNSW
2362-030FreightNSW Freight Policy Research Program: Modules 1–3ActiveTransport for NSW, Swinburne University of TechnologyMore infoNSW
2352-035FreightGap Drone long-range flight test and ground station developmentActiveGap Drone, RMIT UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
2346-046SustainabilityFILTER: Framework for evaluation of precinctsActiveDepartment of Transport and Planning (Victoria), RMIT UniversityMore infoVIC
2336-044SustainabilityFire safety for EVs and micromobility: Best practice assessmentActiveIAG, Queensland University of Technology, EV Firesafe, Standards AustraliaMore infoNATIONAL
2323-042MobilityEncouraging travel behaviour change during network disruptionActiveTransport for NSW, NTROMore infoNSW
2316-045SustainabilityElectric school buses for metro & regional WA: Enabling the shiftActiveDepartment of Transport (WA), University of Western Australia, PATRECMore infoWA
2306-042SustainabilityFeasibility of replacing sand with aluminium oxide for tram useActiveYarra Trams, RMIT UniversityMore infoVIC
2296-039SustainabilityLeading the charge in bidirectional chargingActiveNRMA, University of Technology SydneyPROGRESSNATIONAL
2286-041SustainabilityDesigning for passengers, transport and homeless supportActiveTransport for NSW, La Trobe UniversityMore infoNSW
2273-041MobilityImplications of large-scale price reductions in public transport faresActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), University of SydneyMore infoQLD
2261-063ITSDevelopment and demonstration of C-ITS on NSW roadsActiveTransport for NSW, University of Sydney, Australian Centre for Field RoboticsMore infoNSW
2253-039MobilityBehavioural change for sustainable transportActiveITS Australia, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), University of Sydney, Institute of Transport and Logistics StudiesMore infoNATIONAL
2246-037SustainabilityData-driven optimisation to enhance train/tram power systemsActiveDepartment of Transport and Planning (Victoria), Centre for New Energy Technologies, RMIT UniversityMore infoVIC
2232-026FreightEvaluation of the Northern Sydney Freight CorridorActiveTransport for NSW, NTROFINAL REPORTNSW
2226-043SustainabilityPublic transport graffiti: Understanding and preventionActiveTransport for NSW, Swinburne University of TechnologyMore infoNSW
2211-085ITSUsing real-time train data to improve level crossing safetyActiveDepartment of Transport and Planning (Victoria), Metro Trains Melbourne, La Trobe UniversityMore infoVIC
2203-040MobilityMobility landscapes: Mobility as a Service customer impact trialActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, City of Gold Coast, Griffith UniversityMore infoQLD
2196-040SustainabilitySpeed and safety evaluation of shared spaces in NSWActiveTransport for NSW, University of Technology SydneyMore infoNSW
2183-030MobilityRoad use activity data: Cyclists, pedestrians and micromobilityActiveDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, University of Sydney, Institute of Transport and Logistics StudiesMore infoNATIONAL
2176-026SustainabilityAcoustic Vehicle Alerting System sound designActiveTransport for NSW, University of Technology SydneyMore infoNSW
2161-086ITSArterial Network Smart Performance AssessmentActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Queensland University of Technology, AimsunMore infoQLD
2151-084ITSSpeed management in regional towns and on freeway rampsActiveMain Roads Western Australia, University of Western Australia / PATRECMore infoWA
2141-083ITSC-ITS national harmonisation and pre-deployment researchActiveDepartment of Transport and Planning (Victoria), Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Transport for NSW, Department for Infrastructure and Transport (SA), Main Roads Western Australia, Transport Accident Commission, ITS Australia, University of MelbourneMore infoNATIONAL
2136-032SustainabilityEnvironmental impacts of Connected and Automated VehiclesActiveDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, RMIT UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
2122-023FreightThe Inland Rail and its impact on regional road and rail networksActiveDepartment of Transport and Planning (Victoria), Transport for NSW, Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Swinburne University of TechnologyMore infoVIC, NSW, QLD
2112-027FreightDevelopment of a rail-based conveyer auto cart change facilityActiveFirst Quantum Minerals, University of NewcastleMore infoNATIONAL
2093-037MobilityImpacts of eRideables on the transport task in WAActiveDepartment of Transport (WA), University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
2082-031FreightSustainable last kilometre food and beverage delivery in PerthCompletedMain Roads Western Australia, University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
2073-036MobilityTRIPS: A Trip Rate Information Processing SystemActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), University of SydneyMore infoQLD
2063-033MobilityModelling cycling investments in regional areasAciveDepartment of Transport and Planning (Victoria), RMIT University, City of Greater BendigoMore infoVIC
2052-029FreightPrototype Uncrewed Air System delivery aircraft developmentActiveGap Drone, Australia Post, Swinburne University of TechnologyMore infoNational
2046-036SustainabilityConnected and Automated Vehicle accessibility guideActiveDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, La Trobe UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
203 3-038MobilitySmartphone app to automatically collect travel patternsActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Queensland University of TechnologyMore infoQLD
2026-030SustainabilityNational Variable Pricing Matrix: Sustainable community transportActiveAustralian Community Transport Association (ACTA), University of South AustraliaMore infoNATIONAL
2016-034SustainabilityEV batteries: Repair, refurbish, repurpose, recycleActiveMagellan Powertronics, Edith Cowan UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
2006-035SustainabilitySimulation and modelling of a hydrogen-electric aircraftCompletedStralis, Queensland University of TechnologyMore infoNATIONAL
1991-082ITSMitchell Smart Freeway (Southbound): Live decision supportActiveMain Roads Western Australia, AimsunMore infoWA
1986-028SustainabilityGippsland community e-Bus pilotActiveVenus Bay Community Centre, Sandy Point Bus Management Committee, Department of Transport and Planning (Victoria), La Trobe UniversityMore infoVIC
1976-031SustainabilitySecond lives for electric vehicle batteriesCompletedIAG, Edith Cowan UniversityMore infoNational
1962-028FreightMicromobility and freight: Exploring opportunities in WAActiveDepartment of Transport (WA), University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
1951-081ITSTour-based mode choice model developmentActiveDepartment of Transport (WA), Main Roads Western Australia, University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
1943-035MobilitySee Me: Transforming passenger experience on public transportActiveSAGE Automation, iMOVEMore infoNATIONAL
1936-027SustainabilityAboriginal Cultural Land Management for transport resilienceActiveTransport for NSW, La Trobe UniversityMore infoNSW
1921-080ITSDeveloping a microgravity simulation platform using jet aircraftActiveSwinburne University of Technology, ElektrikaMore infoNATIONAL
1911-078ITSAI optimisation for transport corridor performanceActiveCubic Transportation Systems, University of MelbourneMore infoNATIONAL
1901-076ITSSystem development to control vehicle driver / occupant emotionActiveNHK Spring, RMIT UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
1896-024SustainabilityESP: Preparing for the electrification of transportationCompletedCentre for New Energy Technologies, RMIT UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
1886-029SustainabilityOneDock: Supercharging e-micromobilityCompletediMOVE Australia, microFleetMore infoNATIONAL
1876-025SustainabilityMapping WA’s circular economy Stage 1: Achieving Net ZeroCompletedDepartment of Transport (WA), University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
1863-034MobilityA framework of support to scale in Mobility as a ServiceActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), University of Sydney, Institute of Transport and Logistics StudiesMore infoNATIONAL
1856-021SustainabilityZero emissions heavy vehicles: Analysis, planning and policyActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Transport for NSW, University of Sydney, Department of Transport and Planning (Victoria), Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Swinburne University of TechnologyMore infoNATIONAL
1841-079ITSLarge Animal Activated Roadside Monitoring and Alert SystemActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), University of Sydney, Queensland University of TechnologyMore infoQLD
1836-014SustainabilityUse of biochar waste in carbon capture and reduced emissionsActiveDepartment of Transport (WA), University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
1821-074ITSTruck telematics: Technology review, policy options, roadmapCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Queensland University of TechnologyWRAP-UPNATIONAL
1811-075ITSExpanding Operating Design Domain of automated vehiclesActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUTMore infoQLD
1806-023SustainabilityConsumer adoption of technologies for Net Zero emissionsCompletedCentre for New Energy Technologies, Deakin UniversityFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1796-022SustainabilityNew/emerging transport tech: Greater accessibility and inclusivityCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, La Trobe UniversityFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1786-020SustainabilityAccounting for carbon in planning residential neighbourhoodsActiveDepartment of Transport (WA), University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
1772-025FreightReduction of rail track contamination from iron ore and coal dustCompletedAustralasian Centre for Rail Innovation (ACRI), University of NewcastleWRAP-UPNATIONAL
1766-019SustainabilityElectric school buses for Western Australia: Feasibility studyCompletedDepartment of Transport (WA), University of Western AustraliaWRAP-UPWA
1756-008Sustainability3P vehicle design and prototypeActiveNexport, University of NSWMore infoNATIONAL
1741-070ITSCan immersive reality improve traffic incident management?CompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Deakin UniversityMore infoQLD
1731-071ITSOptimisation of replacement buses during network disruptionsCompletedTransport for NSW, University of Technology SydneyWRAP-UPNSW
1721-073ITSMerging static & dynamic transport modelling in SE QueenslandActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), AimsunMore infoQLD
1712-017FreightSupporting the future road freight task in North-West WAActiveDepartment of Transport (WA), Main Roads Western Australia, Edith Cowan University, University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
1706-018SustainabilityAccessibility guidelines for LZEV charging infrastructureActiveAustroads, ITS Australia, La Trobe UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
1696-013SustainabilityEmissions and economic modelling of NSW road and rail freightActiveTransport for NSW, Swinburne University of Technology, University of QueenslandMore infoNSW
1681-072ITSImproved sensing for signalised intersectionsCompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUTWRAP-UPQLD
1671-067ITSStage 2: Recalibrating Adelaide’s strategic transport modelCompletedSA Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), University of South AustraliaFINAL REPORTSA
1661-068ITSMotorcyclist safety: Connected motorcycle pilotActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Transport Accident Commission, La Trobe UniversityMore infoQLD, VIC
1656-010SustainabilityFreight vehicles: An evaluation of renewable energy fuelsCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Swinburne University of TechnologyFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1646-017SustainabilityNew technologies to engage the community/improve road safetyCompletedTransport Accident Commission, La Trobe UniversityWRAP-UPVIC
1636-015SustainabilityCharging requirements for Melbourne’s electric bus fleetCompletedCentre for New Energy Technologies, RMIT UniversityFINAL REPORTVIC
1621-060ITSIntegrated connected data for safe, efficient traffic managementCompletedITS Australia, University of Melbourne, Transport for NSW, Department of Transport Victoria, Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), The Commissioner of Main Roads, Transport Accident CommissionMore infoNATIONAL
1611-069ITSOptimising motorway control algorithms: New technologies/dataActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUT, TransmaxMore infoQLD
1606-011SustainabilityTrain horns: Broader social effects and pedestrian simulationsCompletedAustralasian Centre for Railway Innovation, Queensland University of TechnologyFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1591-062ITSFramework to connect planning and real-time traffic managementActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), University of QueenslandMore infoNATIONAL
1581-065ITSBetter video analytics for traffic data collection via fixed camerasActiveMain Roads Western Australia, University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
1571-056ITSRailway station platform gap solutions effectivenessCompletedAustralasian Centre for Rail Innovation (ACRI), La Trobe UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
1561-066ITSWhat C-ITS technologies for national deployment in Australia?CompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, La Trobe UniversityFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1555-051ITSSecure Data Provenance in the Internet of VehiclesActiveDeakin UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
1546-003SustainabilityInvestigating the viability of hydrogen fuel for heavy vehicle useCompletedTransport for NSW, ARRBFINAL REPORTNSW
1535-046ITSMisbehaviour detection in C-ITSActiveDeakin UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
1521-049ITSEvaluating 5G productivity uses in transportCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, Austroads, University of NSWMore infoNATIONAL
1511-054ITSReal-time railway corridor perceptionCompletedAustralasian Centre for Rail Innovation, University of NewcastleMore infoNATIONAL
1501-064ITSWorking near traffic: Work zone end of queue studyCompletedTransport for NSW, Deakin UniversityMore infoNSW
1491-055ITSImproving worker safety on the M1 MotorwayCompletedTransport for NSW, Deakin UniversityFINAL REPORTNSW
1481-048ITSUsing crowdsourced data to improve road managementActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUT, CARRS-QMore infoQLD
1473-031MobilityValidating the benefits of increased drone uptake for AustraliaCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, University of South AustraliaFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1461-059ITSSafety risk evaluation of the remote operation of HAVsActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUTMore infoQLD
1456-012SustainabilityCollation of shared spaces infrastructure in NSWActiveTransport for NSW, University of Technology SydneyFINAL REPORTNSW
1446-009SustainabilityClean fuels, lower emissions in red meat processing transportCompletedSwinburne University of Technology, Australian Meat Processor CorporationFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1433-027MobilityDesire lines user behaviour: Initial researchCompletedDepartment of Transport Victoria, University of NSWMore infoVIC
1421-052ITSMethod to monitor the share of safe travel on high-speed roadsCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, ARRBMore infoNATIONAL
1412-019FreightLast mile van delivery planning and optimisationActiveAustralia Post, University of MelbourneMore infoNATIONAL
1403-028MobilityOlder drivers: Advanced driving assistance technologies and AVsCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, Queensland University of Technology, University of NSWMore infoNATIONAL
1395-004ITSAutonomous vehicles in highly crowded pedestrian environmentsCompletedTransport for NSW, University of SydneyMore infoNSW
1381-012ITSSafely introducing CAVs into integrated transport networksCompletedTransport for NSW, University of Sydney, Australian Centre for Field RoboticsMore infoNSW
1372-022FreightConstruction industry supply chain data sharing frameworkCompletedLevel Crossing Removal Project, Swinburne University of TechnologyWRAP-UPVIC
1365-060ITSSecure supervisory architecture for smart & autonomous vehiclesActiveUniversity of Newcastle, Transport for NSWMore infoNATIONAL
1351-028ITSImproving roundabout modelling using drone video analyticsActiveMain Roads Western Australia, University of Western Australia, Aimsun, PATRECMore infoWA
1346-006Sustainability5G aid in automated mobility for elderly and people with disabilityCompletedLa Trobe University, HMI TechnologiesMore infoNATIONAL
1333-029MobilityWorkforce implications of transport digitalisation and automationCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, Swinburne University of TechnologyFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1323-021MobilitySafer cycling and street design: A guide for policymakersCompletedTransport for NSW, University of NSWFINAL REPORTNSW
1311-044ITSData analytics for development and testing of AVs on urban roadsCompletedTransport for NSW, University of Sydney, Australian Centre for Field RoboticsMore infoNSW
1303-020MobilityMaaS blueprint design for regional towns and rural hinterlandsCompletedTransport for NSW, University of Sydney, Institute of Transport and Logistics StudiesFINAL REPORTNSW
1291-057ITSThe future of Australian cities/regions in a post-pandemic worldCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, University of South AustraliaFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1286-007SustainabilityYour Street, Your Say: Better streets for DarebinCompletedDarebin City Council, La Trobe UniversityFINAL REPORTVIC
1275-038FreightThe relationship between vehicle telemetry and sustainabilityActiveEdith Cowan UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
1262-020FreightMapping Australian freight: SWOT analysisCompletedARRB, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and CommunicationsFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1253-026MobilityDefining transport disadvantage in PerthCompletedDepartment of Transport (WA), University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
1241-051ITSTraffic light posts: Collision avoidance strategies and damage mitigationCompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUTMore infoQLD
1235-058ITSQueue length estimation at signalised intersectionsCompletedUniversity of Queensland, Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), TransmaxMore infoQLD
1222-018FreightCalypso Mango chain decision support system validationActivePerfection Fresh, University of TasmaniaMore infoQLD, NT
1212-021FreightDeveloping an urban freight planning course: A scoping studyCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, QUTMore infoNATIONAL
1203-025MobilityBrisbane parking management: An integrated, strategic approachCompletedBrisbane City Council, QUTMore infoQLD
1195-056FreightIntegrated last mile network design for parcel deliveryActiveUniversity of SydneyMore infoNATIONAL
1185-037SustainabilityExperiments on consumer preferences for sustainable airlinesActiveUniversity of Sydney, Air New ZealandMore infoNATIONAL
1175-048ITSEmergency facilities location and transportation routingCompletedUniversity of SydneyMore infoNATIONAL
1166-002SustainabilityHuman size variation in design of Australian transport systemsCompletedAustralasian Centre for Railway Innovation, Department of Transport Victoria, Transport for NSW, University of South AustraliaFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1155-039FreightHybrid drone/truck last mile delivery planning for e-groceriesCompletedUniversity of SydneyMore infoNSW
1145-035ITSReal-time crash risk estimation using machine learningCompletedQUTMore infoQLD
1131-050ITSA model for estimating delays at traffic signalsCompletedMain Roads Western Australia, University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
1121-046ITSSmart bridge health monitoring and maintenance predictionCompletedMain Roads Western Australia, University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
1115-034MobilityBuilding trust and collaboration among MaaS stakeholdersActiveUniversity of SydneyMore infoNATIONAL
1105-045MobilityImplementation of sustainable transport policiesCompletedUniversity of SydneyMore infoNATIONAL
1096-005SustainabilityScenario developments for forecasting urban freight shiftsCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC), QUT, University of QueenslandFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1085-049ITSBus performance assessment using GTFS dataCompletedUniversity of SydneyMore infoNSW
1075-054ITSOptimising multimodal transport networks: Sharing road spaceActiveUniversity of Technology SydneyMore infoNSW
1065-052ITSInnovative road network pricing modelsActiveSwinburne University of TechnologyMore infoVIC
1051-027ITSAdvanced data analytics: Real-time demand calibration/predictionCompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Aimsun, QUTMore infoQLD
1045-040MobilityRole of heterogeneity in active travellers’ injury severity analysisCompletedQUTMore infoQLD
1035-059ITSEmpirical modelling of traffic states and route choice behaviourCompletedQUTMore infoQLD
1026-001SustainabilityGovernment initiatives to support women in the transport sectorCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC), Deakin UniversityFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
1015-042ITSAdvanced driver state monitoring systemCompletedRMIT UniversityMore infoVIC
1005-050MobilityMaaS and PT integration: Focus on vulnerable travellersActiveRMIT UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
0992-015FreightLow-cost IoT-based solution for tracking and monitoring of freightCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, Swinburne University of TechnologyFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
0985-047FreightSeafarer training for autonomous shipping: Needs & challengesActiveUniversity of TasmaniaMore infoTAS
0973-024MobilityThe TRavel, Environment and Kids (TREK) Study: 15 years onCompletedDepartment of Transport (WA), University of Western Australia, Telethon Kids InstituteMore infoWA
0961-025ITSTransport predictive solution Stage 2: AI and real-time simulationCompletedMain Roads Western Australia, Aimsun, University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
0953-023MobilityFrictionless ticketing for public transport accessibilityCompletedTransport for NSW, La Trobe UniversityFINAL REPORTNSW
0945-041ITSCooperative eco-driving system for mixed traffic on urban roadsCompletedUniversity of QueenslandMore infoQLD
0935-036FreightEvaluating urban freight impacts via sustainable alternativesActiveDeakin UniversityMore infoVIC
0925-044ITSElectric vehicles: Supporting uptake, investigating smart chargingActiveUniversity of QueenslandMore infoQLD
0911-029ITSReplacement bus patronage counting and wait time measurementCompletedDepartment of Transport Victoria, Swinburne University of TechnologyMore infoVIC
0903-019MobilityEvaluation of the Wagga Wagga Active Travel PlanCompletedTransport for NSW, Wagga Wagga City Council, University of SydneyFINAL REPORTNSW
0893-022MobilityPromoting sustainable university travel choicesCompletedTransport for NSW, University of Sydney, Institute of Transport and Logistics StudiesFINAL REPORTNSW
0881-037ITSMelbourne tram load estimation and real-time load predictionCompletedDepartment of Transport (Vic), Cubic Transportation Systems, University of MelbourneFINAL REPORTVIC
0875-061FreightEstimating freight origin-destination activity using video and dataActiveSwinburne University of TechnologyMore infoVIC
0861-022ITSAccelerated and intelligent RAP data collectionCompletedTransport for NSW, International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), University of Technology SydneyFINAL REPORTNSW
0852-014FreightSmart supply chain tracking of highly regulated substancesCompletedLa Trobe UniversityMore infoVIC
0841-045ITSDigitisation in transport and freight: Lessons for AustraliaCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC), Swinburne University of TechnologyFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
0835-030ITSUsing a data-driven approach to improve intersection modellingCompletedUniversity of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
0823-013MobilityODIN PASS: A Mobility as Service trial at UQCompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), University of QueenslandMore infoQLD
0815-029FreightAn empirical analysis of drone ecosystems in 4PL logisticsActiveUniversity of Sydney, Thales AustraliaMore infoNSW
0803-018MobilityInnovative local transport: Community transport of the futureCompletedITS Australia, Department of Transport (WA), Transport for NSW, Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Department of Transport Victoria, University of Technology SydneyFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
0791-039ITSIncident response vehicles and truck-mounted attenuatorsCompletedAustroads, QUT, Deakin UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
0785-032FreightAutomated farm-to-shop freight quality assurance systemActiveUniversity of NewcastleMore infoNSW
0773-010MobilityFAST: A sustainable urban mobility plan for LiverpoolActiveLiverpool City Council, University of SydneyFINAL REPORTNSW
0763-016MobilityLight Insight Trial (LiT): Smart bike lights data and road safetyCompletedTransport Accident Commission, Deakin University, See.SenseFINAL REPORTVIC
0755-033FreightDecentralised data sharing platform for supply chainsCompletedQUTMore infoNATIONAL
0743-015MobilityPromoting community readiness and uptake of CAVsCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications, University of South AustraliaMore infoNATIONAL
0732-013FreightDevelopment of Healthy Heads App and Health Score: Phase 1CompletedInstitute of Health Engineering (IHealthE), UNSW Sydney, Charles Perkins Centre, University of Sydney, Healthy Heads in Trucks & Sheds FoundationWRAP-UPNSW
0721-043ITSAustralian CAV readiness: Integrating a data probe vehicleCompletedARRBMore infoNATIONAL
0713-017MobilityDeveloping a low/zero emission transport strategy for AustraliaCompletedUniversity of QueenslandFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
0705-024MobilityPedestrian and cyclist interaction with autonomous vehiclesCompletedUniversity of QueenslandMore infoQLD
0691-042ITSRecalibrating Adelaide’s strategic transport modelCompletedDepartment of Planning, Transport, and Infrastructure, University of South AustraliaFINAL REPORTSA
0681-041ITSBig data for strategic transport planningCompletedDepartment of Planning, Transport, and Infrastructure, University of South AustraliaMore infoSA
0675-023MobilityDeveloping empirical customer-centric public transportActiveTransdev, University of Technology SydneyMore infoNSW
0662-007FreightAfter the pandemic: Improving Sydney Metro freight logisticsCompletedTransport for NSW, University of MelbourneMore infoNSW
0651-026ITSReal-time network prediction and response simulationCompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUTMore infoQLD
0645-028ITSStrengthening cybersecurity in vehicular networksCompletedIAG, University of Technology SydneyFINAL REPORTNSW
0632-011FreightIntegrating drones into NT healthCompletedNorthern Territory Department of Health, Charles Darwin UniversityFINAL REPORTNT
0625-027MobilityDigitalisation and implications on workforce skills developmentActiveRMIT UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
0613-014MobilityAustralia’s Public Transport Disability Standards and CAVsCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities (DIRDC), La Trobe UniversityFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
0601-034ITSWorking from Home: Revising metro strategic transport models (WA, NSW)CompletedDepartment of Transport (WA), Transport for NSW, University of SydneyFINAL REPORTWA, NSW
0591-038ITSModelling perimeter controls: Detailed simulationCompletedMain Roads Western Australia, University of Western AustraliaFINAL REPORTWA
0581-036ITSWorking from home: Changes in transport demand in PerthCompletedDepartment of Transport (WA), Main Roads Western Australia, University of Western AustraliaMore infoWA
0571-035ITSEncouraging continuation of work from home post-pandemicCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities (DIRDC), University of South AustraliaFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
0563-011MobilityReal-time data for better informed transport and parking choicesCompletedWilloughby City Council, University of NSW, Astrolabe GroupMore infoNSW
0551-033ITSA Smart Transport Technology Roadmap for PerthCompletedRAC WA, University of Western AustraliaFINAL REPORTWA
0543-012ITSUnderstanding skills gaps/training needs in the transport sectorActiveiMOVE, RMIT UniversityMore infoNATIONAL
0533-009MobilityFLEXible use case – enhancing the Tonsley shuttle trialCompletedDepartment of Planning, Transport, and Infrastructure, Flinders University, Royal Automobile Association of SA IncMore infoSA
0521-030ITSIpswich Connected Vehicle Pilot: Safety and user perceptions evaluationCompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUTFINAL REPORTQLD
0515-019ITSModelling traffic congestion as a contagionCompletedUniversity of NSWMore infoNSW, VIC
0501-024ITSTransport predictive solution Stage 1: Aimsun WA Live pilotActiveMain Roads Western AustraliaMore infoWA
0495-016ITSNext-generation integrated traffic controlCompletedQUTMore infoQLD
0485-007ITSNon-invasive vehicle classification solution using tracking radarActiveSensys Gatso Group, University of MelbourneMore infoVIC
0475-013ITSModelling traffic disruption impact: Deep Learning & simulationActiveUniversity of Technology SydneyMore infoNSW
0465-021FreightFixed-wing drones and small package deliveryCompletedRMIT UniversityMore infoVIC
0451-021ITSHD maps for automated driving – literature reviewCompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUT, RACQFINAL REPORTQLD
0445-012FreightUsing real-time data to preserve Aussie berries in transitCompletedDeakin UniversityMore infoVIC
0431-031ITSWorking from Home: Revising metro strategic transport models (QLD)CompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), University of SydneyFINAL REPORTQLD
0425-015FreightUrban freight: Optimising loading/unloading baysCompletedDeakin UniversityMore infoVIC
0415-010FreightAutonomous mobile lockers for city logistics CompletedUniversity of SydneyMore infoNSW
0405-017ITSVehicular network architecture using the 5G standardCompletedUniversity of NewcastleMore infoNSW
0395-008FreightTransformative commercial urban delivery solutionsActiveSwinburne University of TechnologyMore infoVIC
0381-023ITSEconometrics, land use inputs, and strategic transport modelsCompletedUniversity of Western Australia, Main Roads Western Australia, Department of Transport (WA), Department of Planning Lands and Heritage Western AustraliaMore infoWA
0375-018FreightRisks in blockchain integrated container shipping systemsCompletedUniversity of TasmaniaMore infoTAS
0365-022ITSMacroscopic Fundamental Diagram: Measuring flow and densityCompletedUniversity of QueenslandMore infoQLD
0355-020ITSDemand management/estimation in large-scale traffic networksCompletedUniversity of QueenslandMore infoQLD
0345-011ITSMultimodal operation of smart intersectionsCompletedUniversity of Melbourne, RACQMore infoVIC
0332-010FreightEvaluating loading dock capacity in new developmentsCompletedTransport for NSW, University of MelbourneMore infoNSW
0325-009ITSOptimising signal control in CAV and VRU mixed environmentsActiveSynergistic Traffic Consultancy, University of NSWMore infoNSW
0311-018ITSEnhanced vehicle detection at traffic signals and on smart freewaysActiveUniversity of Western Australia, Main Roads Western AustraliaMore infoWA
0301-017ITSAccelerating the uptake of C-ITS technologies in AustraliaCompletedITS Australia, Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Cities and Regional Development (DITRCD), University of Melbourne, IAG, Intelematics, TransmaxFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
0293-006MobilityVehicle to bicycle (V2B) safety interactions using 4G mobile devicesCompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUTMore infoQLD
0285-006MobilityVRU and CAV interactionsActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUT, University of NSWMore infoQLD
0272-008FreightFreight consignment data aggregation pilotCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications (DITRDC), Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics (BITRE)FINAL REPORTNATIONAL
0262-003FreightCo-modality: Making use of public transport to carry freightCompletedTransport for NSW, University of SydneyFINAL REPORTNSW
0253-008MobilityConceptual architecture for future transport and mobility environment CompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), ARRBFINAL REPORTQLD
0243-007ITSManaging transport system investment riskCompletedMain Roads Western Australia, University of Western Australia, Edith Cowan UniversityFINAL REPORTWA
0231-015FreightMapping passive railway crossings to inform freight potentialCompletedAustralasian Centre for Railway Innovation, RMIT UniversityFINAL REPORTVIC
0221-014MobilityExploring the Movement & Place FrameworkCompletedTransport for NSW, Swinburne University of TechnologyFINAL REPORTNSW
0213-005MobilityMaaS business models: Lessons for operators and regulatorsCompletedTransport for NSW, University of South Australia, University of SydneyWRAP-UPNSW
0203-004MobilityFree-flow parking for car-sharingCompletedITS Australia, RMIT University, IAG, Cubic Transportation Systems, Royal Automobile Association of SA IncFINAL REPORTVIC
0195-003ITSCyber security for connected vehicles and vehicular networksCompletedIAG, University of Technology SydneyMore infoNSW
0185-002ITSHow safe are the perception capabilities of autonomous cars? CompletedIAG, University of SydneyMore infoNSW
0173-003MobilityMaaS trial in SydneyCompletedIAG, University of Sydney, SkedgoFINAL REPORTNSW
0152-005FreightFreight data requirements studyCompletedDepartment of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities (DIRDC), Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), Deakin University, University of New South Wales, University of QueenslandFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
0141-009ITSMeasuring demand for bus replacement servicesCompletedTBAMore infoNSW
0133-002MobilityParking management in the smart mobility ageCompletedBrisbane City Council, QUT, University of QueenslandMore infoQLD
0121-010ITSThe future of travel demand modelling and forecastingCompletedDepartment of Planning, Transport, and Infrastructure, Institute for Choice, University of South Australia FINAL REPORTSA
0115-001ITSGreen wave for high capacity public transport servicesCompletedTransport for NSW, University of Technology SydneyMore infoNSW
0101-006ITSDSRC and cooperative perceptionActiveCohda Wireless, University of Sydney, Australian Centre for Field RoboticsFINAL REPORTSA
0091-008ITSCooperative and Highly Automated Driving Safety StudyActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUTFINAL REPORTQLD
0081-007ITSHow automated vehicles will interact with road infrastructureCompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUTFINAL REPORTQLD
0161-011ITSIntegrated land use and transport modellingActiveDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), University of QueenslandWRAP-UPQLD
0071-004ITSInsurance Research for Autonomous VehiclesCompletedIAG, University of NSW (Sydney)More infoNSW
0061-001ITSData use for improved transport management and journey reliabilityCompletedCubic Transportation Systems, University of Melbourne, VicRoads, Transport for Victoria, Transport Accident CommissionMore infoVIC
0051-005ITSC-ITS Pilot Security Credential Management System: Evaluation and ResearchCompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Integrity Security ServicesMore infoQLD
0043-001MobilityMaaS and On-Demand Transport – Consumer Research and ReportCompletedITS Australia, University of South Australia, Transport for NSW, Transport for Victoria, Department of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), Department of Transport (WA), Royal Automobile Association of SA IncFINAL REPORTNATIONAL
0031-003ITSImproved network performance prediction through data-driven analytics and simulationCompletedMain Roads Western Australia, University of Western AustraliaFINAL REPORTWA
002a2-001FreightPlanning intermodal and general logistics infrastructure for the future needs of PerthCompletedDepartment of Transport (WA), Main Roads Western Australia, University of Western Australia, Edith Cowan UniversityMore infoWA
0021-002ITSCooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) Pilot — Field Operational Test and EvaluationCompletedDepartment of Transport and Main Roads (Queensland), QUTFINAL REPORTQLD